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Budget 2013
Budget 2013 headlines with summaries.
Te reo a winner
16 May 2013The development of te reo is one of the big wins for Maori in this year's Budget.
Budget addresses housing affordability problem
16 May 2013Radio New Zealand's political editor Brent Edwards analyses the Budget. Audio
Surplus on target - Government
16 May 2013The Government has reiterated it's on target to return to a Budget surplus in two years' time, because of the gradually improvement in economic activity and keeping spending in check.
Budget evokes mixed reactions from minor parties
16 May 2013Green Party co-leader Russel Norman says the Government has not made the hard, smart and courageous decisions for the long-term good of New Zealand in Thursday's Budget.
Key says Govt cares for all NZers in Budget
16 May 2013Prime Minister John Key has defended the 2013 Budget, saying the Government cares for all New Zealanders.
Whanau Ora gets financial boost
17 May 2013Whanau Ora Minister Tariana Turia says this year's Budget is addressing challenges of poverty, with the Government making a commitment to obstacles such as reducing rheumatic fever and insulating…
Fee rise likely at many centres - childcare CEO
16 May 2013Childcare Association chief executive Nancy Bell says many early childhood services will have to raise fees or cut quality as a result of the Budget.
Budget hits student loans and allowances
16 May 2013People living overseas with overdue student loans face arrest at the border, and older students' eligibility for loans and allowances has been dramatically cut as a result of Thursday's Budget.
Councils urged to co-operate with Govt over housing
17 May 2013Local Government New Zealand says councils need to overcome disagreements with the Audio
Community groups to get subsidies for housing
17 May 2013Community groups will have access to the same subsidies as state house tenants under a new bill introduced as part of Budget 2013. Audio
Health spending rises to $14.7b
17 May 2013Total spending on health will rise to $14.7 billion a year, including $1.6 billion over four years to improve frontline health services.
Labour faults Budget over maternity, primary care
16 May 2013The Labour Party says there is less money in the latest Budget to pay midwives who work as lead maternity carers.
Family carers of disabled adults get funding
16 May 2013The Government will pay $92 million over the next four years for family members who look after their adult disabled children.
Extra $100m to insulate homes
16 May 2013The Government is to spend $100 million over three years on insulating more cold homes.
Extra funding to combat rising diabetes
16 May 2013The Government is to spend an extra $35.5 million over four years on better services for those with diabetes and heart disease.
Campaign aimed at cutting prostate cancer deaths
17 May 2013The Government is to spend $1 million a year on a campaign aimed at reducing the death rate of men from prostate cancer.
Christchurch and dairying underpin stronger economy
17 May 2013Robust global dairy prices and the gathering pace of the Christchurch rebuild are underpinning stronger economic activity. Audio
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