The United States will host a meeting of trade ministers from a proposed Pacific Rim trade bloc at the end of July.
US Trade Representative Mike Froman (C) speaks at a press conference for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), in Sydney last year. Photo: AFP / FILE
The ministers from the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) will meet in Maui, Hawaii, from 28 to 31 July.
The controversial and secret TPP talks cover nations that account for 40 percent of the world's economy, including New Zealand.
With US President Barack Obama now having the power to conclude trade pacts under so-called fast track authority, hopes have been raised a deal can be struck soon.
The ministerial gathering in Hawaii later this month, which will include New Zealand Trade Minister Tim Groser, will reportedly follow close on the heels of meetings between chief negotiators.
Whether it marks the final stage in the TPP negotiations remains to be seen.
One possible sticking point is the uncertain state of bilateral talks between Japan and the US over access for products like agricultural goods.
That has a direct impact on countries like New Zealand, and whether it will secure significant gains for its dairy products in the protected and lucrative markets of Japan, Canada and the US.