Air New Zealand is extending the time it will allow customers to redeem credits for cancelled flights during the pandemic. Photo: RNZ / Nate McKinnon
Air New Zealand passengers have two more years to redeem Covid credits, with $200 million worth yet to be used up.
Covid credits were issued to customers who purchased non-refundable fares for flights that could not be flown due to the pandemic.
The airline has extended the deadline for a sixth time, to 31 January 2026, which applied to credits issued before October 2022.
Air New Zealand chief financial officer Richard Thomson said the extension recognised the volume of outstanding Covid credits, with 15 percent yet to be redeemed, valued at more than $200m.
"Air New Zealand has been doing what it can to contact customers. We've directly emailed customers, phoned those with high value credits, contacted travel agents and been advertising in national media," Thomson said.
"We will continue to work hard over the next two years to reach customers who may be unaware they hold a credit. We encourage anyone who has a credit to book with us at their earliest convenience."
Credits could be used for any flight on the Air New Zealand network, either in part or in combination with credit and cash.
The credits could also be used to buy excess baggage, to select a seat, book for other people, or to upgrade a fare.
Thomson said all customers who purchased refundable fares for flights had received their refunds.