Charmaine Quaid has been operating Dance Worx from the Balmoral Hall in Ashburton for over 50 years and is facing an impending eviction with the council deciding to sell or demolish the building in two years. Photo: Local Democracy Reporting / Jonathan Leask
The axe still hangs above Balmoral Hall in Ashburton, but its dancers are at least relieved they have time to find a new venue.
Dance teacher Charmaine Quaid has run her dance studio at the hall for 55 years. A year ago, she was staring down the impending eviction from the proposed sale or demolition of the hall.
Ashburton District Council had proposed to sell the building and adjacent land in the long-term plan, with the building facing an estimated $1.3m repair cost to bring it up to standard - outstripping the $400,000 that had been previously budgeted for the work.
DanceWorx teachers Jessie Thompson and Quaid presented their case to councillors to retain the hall, pleading to keep the hall with a "modest upgrade" to retain its affordability, both for ratepayers and potential users.
Quaid said she was blown away by the support they had in their fight to retain and repair the hall.
Come decision time there was a lengthy debate from the councillors before opting to retain the hall "for two more years, or until the Hall becomes unusable, whereby the hall is sold or demolished". The council will retain ownership of the land.
At the time, Quaid described the decision as a two-year stay of execution.
Had it been designated for immediate sale or demolition, they may have only had a few months to find alternate arrangements.
They have the clarity of the two-year deadline, but it still means the future of the dance school's location remains up in the air.
Ashburton's Balmoral Hall will be sold or demolished in two years. Photo: Local Democracy Reporting / Jonathan Leask
"[Which is] where it's been for probably a decade," Quaid said.
"I've spoken with the council and at this stage, we can just carry on at the hall, so that's what we are doing."
Minimal money will be spent on any repairs and maintenance to the hall with its impending sale or demolition, meaning the hall "is what it is", Quaid said.
"It doesn't get any worse, it just doesn't get any better.
"It's danceable and serves our purpose.
"We would love it to be beautiful and up to date, but as it is we have a wonderful floor space and that is our key requirement."
Dance Worx has been actively hunting for somewhere to relocate to when their time is up at Balmoral Hall.
"We have been looking but have nothing definite yet."
The Balmoral Hall has been home to hundreds of students over the years who have attended Quaid's dance studio, and the number of students remains strong she said.
"They are still coming."
LDR is local body journalism co-funded by RNZ and NZ On Air.