9 Nov 2016

Trump's lead puts dampener on US election parties in NZ

7:45 pm on 9 November 2016

The mood is sombre at US election parties in New Zealand, with Donald Trump edging ahead in the race for the White House.

A RNZ reporter attending a party hosted by the US Embassy at St John's Bar in Wellington said excitement over positive news about Hillary Clinton was limited.

"Whenever positive news for Hillary Clinton trickles in, a 'whoop' goes around the room, however those whoops are becoming few and far between."

The US Ambassador to New Zealand, Mark Gilbert, said he was trying hard to stay positive.

"I think a lot of people are concerned - the stock futures around the world are plummeting and newspapers are giving Donald Trump a very good chance of winning - it's causing people a lot of concern."

RNZ's reporter said the room was filled with American flags and paper hats and 'I Voted' badges earlier in the afternoon, but by 5pm much of that colour had drained from the bar.

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