The mother of Akshay Chand says she just wanted her son home on bail and had no idea that he would kill Christie Marceau.
Photo: RNZ / Cole Eastham-Farrelly
Suchita Chand has given evidence at the inquest into the death of Miss Marceau - the 18-year-old her son stabbed to death.
She told the inquest at the Auckland District Court that she and her sister had agreed to supervise her son while he was out on bail for kidnapping Miss Marceau at knife-point.
A month later Akshay Chand stabbed Miss Marceau to death at her family home - just a two minute walk from his bail address.
Suchita Chand was at court for the four bail hearings. She initially told the inquest she could not remember having discussions with her son's lawyer Mary-Anne Lowe about her and her sister supervising her son 24 hours, seven days a week if he got bail.
However, during cross-examination from Ms Lowe's lawyer, Stuart Grieve QC, she confirmed she had given such an undertaking.
At one point the Chand family lawyer, Alex Witten-Hannah, pointed out that adult supervision was not a condition of bail.
Mrs Chand said she was never consulted by police or the court and had nothing in writing about her responsibilities.
She confirmed to the lawyer assisting the Coroner, Hanne Janes, that she was bewildered and stressed by having her son in court. Mrs Chand said no one was there to help her and clarify what her responsibilities were once her son got bail.
She also told the inquest she had concerns for her and her daughter's safety. She hid the kitchen knives in a draw in the oven.
But in the week before her son killed Miss Marceau, she told the court she left one of the knives out because she believed Chand was better.
She also confirmed she was aware the Marceaus lived close by.
Under questioning from Coroner Katherine Greig, Mrs Chand said she believed her son would be better after being on anti-depressant medication.
She said she could not read her son's mind but she had no idea he would be able to do what he did.
Earlier, the inquest heard from Shayal Chand, Akshay Chand's sister.
In her statement to police she said she was terrified for her own safety. Ms Chand said she spent as many nights as possible at her friends' houses while her brother was on bail.
The inquest has heard the Judge who granted Chand bail was told Ms Chand was a University student who could help supervise her brother. But Ms Chand says she was still at High School, just 17 at the time, and was studying for her year 12 exams.
She described finding her brother gone on the morning of 7 November 2011. Ms Chand knew her brother was on a 24 hour curfew but he was not in the house. She said she phoned her mother at work.
Tomorrow the inquest is due to hear evidence from Chand's lawyer, Mary-Anne Lowe.