Readers of Russell Brown's blog voted for their favourite word or phrase for 2017.
The election year weighed heavily on readers' choices. Photo: Twitter / Jacinda Ardern
The Public Address word of the year is Jacindamania, with the runner up #metoo.
These two drew well ahead of the other 33 nominated words early on in the voting, underlining the extent to which the year has been about women.
Jacindamania is believed to have been first coined by political commentator and lecturer Bryce Edwards in his Political Roundup for August 2 - the day after Jacinda Ardern became leader of the Labour Party.
Other words stayed true to the election theme with "fiscal hole", "Metiria", "let's do this" and "te reo" all taking spot.
US President Donald Trump's bluster also made waves, with "covfefe", "dotard" and "alternative facts" all placing in the top 10.
Last year's winner "post-truth" was also chosen as Oxford Dictionaries' word of the year in 2016.