18 Sep 2019

Karel Sroubek's parole bid unsuccessful

4:13 pm on 18 September 2019

Convicted drug smuggler Karel Sroubek - also known as Jan Antolik - has been declined parole.

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The Parole Board has decided Karel Sroubek is a risk to the community. Photo: Carmen Bird Photography

The Czech kickboxer is serving an almost six-year sentence for importing 5 kilograms of ecstasy in 2014.

Sroubek appeared before the Parole Board in Wellington on Monday, where he argued he was eligible for an early release.

Sroubek's lawyer argued he should be freed early because he has taken "significant steps" since his last parole hearing.

The hearing heard Serco considered him a low risk offender and an otherwise compliant prisoner but the Parole Board disagreed.

In its decision released this afternoon it said the sophistication of his drug offending, immigration fraud and his association with Czech criminals and Hell's Angels meant he posed an undue risk to the community.

They declined to grant him parole but he will come before the board again in four months' time.