The family of a young woman who died during a Dunedin flat party say they are grieving the loss of their beautiful daughter.
Flowers placed outside the flat in Dundas Street, Dunedin where 19-year-old Sophia Crestani died during a party on Saturday 5 October. Photo: RNZ / Simon Rogers
Sophia Crestani, who was 19, died when hundreds of people tried to flee the party on Dundas Street on Saturday night.
Sophia Crestani died at the Dunedin party. Photo: Facebook
Her parents, Bede and Elspeth, issued a statement this morning through the University of Otago, where Sophia was a second year student.
"You will appreciate that it is a very difficult time for us," they said.
"We are grieving the loss of our beautiful daughter and so is the community which Sophia knew and cared for."
They have asked that their privacy is respected as they grieve, and said their daughter's funeral would be private.
A police investigation into her death is ongoing, with more than 30 detectives speaking to everyone who was at the flat party.
The University of Otago has opened a support centre to help grieving students.
Photo: RNZ / Simon Rogers
Otago University Students Association president James Heath said the drop-in centre provided a space for students talk and be there for each other.
The centre will be open today and tomorrow, and may remain for the rest of the week, if there is a need.
Police open campus caravan in bid to get more information
Police have set up a caravan at the university for students to drop in and make statements about the party.
Police say they want to speak with anyone who attended, so they can reconstruct events as accurately as possible.
They say a large number of people have come forward to help with the investigation.
Area Prevention Manager Otago Coastal Wil Black said the police presence will remain at the university as long as it is needed.
About 30 detectives, including some sent from Southland, Victim Support, the Community Policing Team, and support staff are working as part of the investigation.
In an email to students today, the university's Vice Chancellor Harlene Hayne encouraged partygoers who hadn't yet come forward to give their details to the police.