Those who've unwrapped a drone for Christmas are being asked to do their research about where they're allowed to fly them because there are many restrictions.
Drones aren't allowed to be flown at night. Photo:
Cory Price from the Civil Aviation Authority said some people thought drones were toys but the operator was essentially a pilot.
"These drones are classed as aircraft and as such you have obligations and responsibilities under the Civil Aviation Act and rules," Price said.
There are many rules covering where drones can be flown and breaking them can lead to prosecution.
You cannot fly them within 4km of any airdrome - which includes hospital heliports.
There are also additional large set no-fly zones managed by air traffic control.
The combination of the two essentially cover all of Wellington city, and large parts of greater Auckland.
However, there is an option to apply for an exemption, or for training to fly in these areas.
Also flying over private property would need permission first and some local councils have restrictions about flying them in public parks and reserves.
Other rules include:
- Keeping the drone in your line of sight (binoculars don't count)
- Can't fly more than 120m above the ground the drone took off from
- Can't fly drones at night
- Must have permission to fly over people
"If you're lucky enough to be given one of these drones for Christmas, please I urge you to go do some research, read all the instructions in the manual about how to fly that particular drones safely," Price said.
"We want to welcome those users into the aviation community - aviation's an incredibly enjoyable activity to undertake - but the consequences of getting something wrong when you operate in the aviation system can be catastrophic."
Price said if people felt someone flying a drone had breached their privacy - contact the police rather than the CAA.
Go to AirShare's website to see where drones are allowed, and how to get permission to fly in restricted areas.
The Civil Aviation Authority's website has more information about rules around drones.