New Zealand has two new cases of Covid-19, both in managed isolation, with no new community cases today, the Ministry of Health says.
Photo: AFP
Both cases arrived on 23 October, with one from Paris and the other from London, both stopping in Dubai and Kuala Lumpur, the Ministry said in a media release.
Both have been transferred to the Auckland quarantine facility, having been identified in day three testing.
The latest data brings New Zealand's confirmed cases to 1587. Four recoveries brings active cases to 66.
Health workers carried out 3335 tests yesterday, bringing total tests to 1,075,827.
The ministry said crew members of the Ken Rei - which has docked at Port of Napier - were tested again yesterday after all returning negative tests, and were "in good spirits".
No crew members have applied for shore leave in New Zealand. The ship will depart Napier on Thursday and head for Tauranga, the ministry said.
None of the Russian and Ukrainian fishers staying in managed isolation in Christchurch have been confirmed as new cases beyond the 29 who have already tested positive. Genome sequencing is consistent with overseas infections, the ministry says.
Yesterday there was one new imported case announced in New Zealand.