21 May 2022

No other public hospital at earthquake risk - Health Infrastructure Unit

4:52 pm on 21 May 2022

Officials say they have not been advised of any other public hospitals that face action soon to fix earthquake weaknesses.

Hutt Hospital shut down its main block after engineers found it is earthquake prone.

The Health Infrastructure Unit said, "It has not been advised of any imminent seismic remedial actions required similar to those announced this week by Hutt Valley DHB".

"There are some DHBs with seismic issues, which they are managing.

"This includes Capital and Coast."

The unit said where there were issues, it may cause disruption to fix them.

"DHBs (and soon-to-be Health New Zealand) would, where possible, time an activity in a way that least disrupts services."

The unit now a part of Health NZ, was finalising a report about seismic risks to public health facilities nation-wide that it began last year.

Hutt Valley and Capital & Coast DHBs chief executive Fionnagh Dougan said the Emergency Department at Wellington Regional Hospital was at 34 percent of New Building Standard, and will be relocated.

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