What's left of the embattled Conservative Party board has now suspended Colin Craig from his own party.
Colin Craig Photo: RNZ / Kim Baker Wilson
After more resignations from the board, including its chair Brian Dobbs yesterday, the sole remaining member John Stringer made himself the chairman.
He has now appointed four of the party's election candidates to the board.
Mr Stringer said comments by the former leader had been unsettling for the board.
"Colin Craig's statements over the last 24 hours about taking over the board, or setting up a counter-party or setting up a counter-provisional board concerned us."
Mr Stringer said he had let Mr Craig know his party membership had been suspended until further notice.
Mr Craig refuses to accept the new board, and said every member should still have the right to elect representatives.
Mr Craig has criticised Mr Stringer's action saying his decision carries no weight with the party.
Mr Craig said he still considered himself a member and would take the board seriously only when it was elected democratically.
After his own resignation eight days ago, Colin Craig, called a news conference at which he said there had been some inappropriate conduct between himself and his former press secretary, Rachel MacGregor.
Earlier this week the party's chief executive Christine Rankin resigned, saying a news conference Mr Craig had held was the last straw.