Greens co-leader Metiria Turei has put herself forward for selection as the party's candidate for the Māori seat of Te Tai Tonga.
Metiria Turei Photo: RNZ / Demelza Leslie
Ms Turei said she would only be campaigning for the party vote if she was selected.
"It's only the party vote I'm interested in, it's only the party vote that gets me back into Parliament, and it also gets my party back in Parliament."
She said the Green Party stood in as many seats as it could, as it was easier to talk about the party vote.
"I have the advantage that I'm likely to be high on the Green Party list and therefore it will be the party vote that can guarantee me a seat back in Parliament in 2017."
In the last election, Mrs Turei stood in North Dunedin.
She said the final selection for Te Tai Tonga was still some months away.
The seat is currently held by Labour's Rino Tirikatene.
He has spoken to Mrs Turei about her potential candidacy, and said he would welcome her into the contest.
Meanwhile, Mrs Turei said talks were still being held with Labour about doing electorate deals in some seats, which may include Ōhāriu - held by United Future leader Peter Dunne - but no final decisions have been made.