Treaty Negotiations Minister Andrew Little says his talks with Ngāpuhi leaders over the weekend have been helpful.
Treaty Negotiations Minister Andrew Little. Photo: RNZ / Richard Tindiller
Mr Little called together Sonny Tau and Hone Sadler, from the mandated authority Tuhoronuku, and the leaders of the hapu collective, Te Kotahitanga - Pita Tipene and Rudy Taylor.
It was the first time the four leaders had sat down for talks about the rift over who has the mandate to negotiate Ngāpuhi's treaty claim, that has caused bitter division for seven years.
Mr Little said the tone of the discussions was "helpful and constructive".
"The Ngāpuhi representatives will report back to the hāpu and iwi on the issues discussed. Further discussions will take place shortly, after Easter," said Mr Little in a statement.