A group opposed to long-held plans for a new highway connecting State Highway 6 through Nelson city has laid a formal complaint over the current consultation process.
The Transport Agency (NZTA) is once more investigating options for the city's transport system through the Southern Link Investigation, as part of the government's "Accelerated Regional Roading Package".
But the Nelson Transport Strategy Group has made a 17-page formal complaint to the Commerce Commission, hoping to invalidate feedback on the Southern Link study.
Spokesman Peter Olorenshaw said the group had legal advice backing their view that the information publicised by the agency was not clear.
"We would like to see that it invalidates the feedback that NZTA have got to date on the Southern Link study, because the feedback is based on misleading and deceptive information."
But the Nelson MP, Nick Smith, who backs the Southern Link, said the move was unlikely to succeed.
"This is awfully desperate from this group. The job of the Commerce Commission is to make sure that there is fair trading in goods and services."
Dr Smith, who backs the Southern Link, said the Commerce Commission was the last place to be arbitrating Nelson's roading infrastructure.