A Lake Waikaremoana iwi has signed an agreement in principle to reach a treaty settlement with the Crown.
Treaty Settlement Minister Andrew Little. Photo: RNZ / Samuel Rillstone
Ngāti Ruapani mai Waikaremoana has a population of about 3500 people and is centred around the lake in Te Urewera.
It suffered significant land loss from what the government has conceded were aggressive measures, as well as other acts that breached the Treaty of Waitangi.
"While no settlement can truly compensate for the grief, loss, and past injustices Ngāti Ruapani have endured, it is my sincere hope that today's agreement paves the way towards a comprehensive settlement and enduring partnership between the Crown and Ngāti Ruapani for the wellbeing of their people," Treaty Settlement Minister Andrew Little said in a statement.
The proposed settlement includes financial redress of $24 million, the option to buy the Crown's share in the Patunamu Forest and other Crown commercial properties in the area.
However, a major grievance around the use of Lake Waikaremoana for hydroelectricity has been left out.