Waikato police who had to deal with a major brawl at a party this weekend say people shouldn’t use social media to publicise parties.
The party, which was publicised on Facebook, spiralled out of control in the Hamilton suburb of Melville.
Photo: Unknown
Around 500 people turned up at the party and some of them pelted police with bottles when they tried to wind it up.
Fourteen people were arrested.
Senior Sergeant Andrew O'Reilly said the owner of the property had asked police to close the out-of-control party.
A fight broke out in Melville (Hamilton) at a party that got out of control. This is not news. This is Saturday night.
— Alison Sammes (@LittleCatDesign) September 7, 2014
Mr O'Reilly said further callouts were received over the following hours as various groups continued to cause problems in the area.