13 Oct 2014

Introducing: Holly Arrowsmith

11:11 am on 13 October 2014

Emerging local musicians are given two minutes to introduce one of their songs and say whatever they like about themselves and their music. Your time ... starts ... Now!

Holly Arrowsmith

Holly Arrowsmith Photo: Grey Area Productions

Name: Holly Arrowsmith

Age: 20

Hometown: Queenstown

Sounds like: Laura Marling

Musical guilty pleasure: I went through an ’80’s rock phase a few years ago, a lot of Bon Jovi and Guns ’n Roses. I have since recovered, but sometimes catch myself singing along if it comes on!

Formative musical experience: Sitting in front of Dad’s stereo and CD cabinet, playing through everything inside over and over after school, and wishing I could do what these artists did - make some kind of change in people’s lives through music. 


LISTEN to more from Radio New Zealand's Music team on the Music 101 Pocket Edition. In this episode internet addiction with Street Chant's Emily Edrosa, Pauline Black of radical Two Tone originals The Selecter and the psychedelic sounds of Thailand with Khun Narin's Electric Phin Band.

The podcast is also available to download on iTunes and TuneIn. You can also subscribe through the Music 101 RSS feed.