You might have missed the inaugural New Zealand Young Writers Festival last year, but that’s OK - this one's even better.
Photo: Unknown
From September 1-4 in Dunedin, you can join Hera Lindsay Bird and Gregory Kan for a poetry workshop, catch a live record recording of The Spinoff’s On The Rag podcast, and enjoy a bunch of events that involve words with friends.
The festival starts with a party at the back of a bookshop and the next day there are tips and tricks from some of The Wireless team: viral comic creator Toby Morris, video guy extraordinaire Luke McPake and a couple of our tenacious journalists, Tess McClure and Mava Moayyed. I’ll be sharing some ideas about the basics of what makes a good yarn and how to pitch, too.
There's more for writers of all stripes: If you’re a mega word nerd, there’s a spelling bee. If you’re a budding investigative journalist, there’s a primer on digging out secrets using the Official Information Act. And on Saturday night, the books get shelved so everyone can party.
Best of all, the events are totally free. Find all the details in the programme.
See you there.