Die-hard Haka fans line up hours before first Te Matatini performance

11:39 am on 28 February 2025
Te Kapa Haka o Ngāti Whakaue at 2025 Te Matatini Festival at Pukekura/Bowl of Brooklands in New Plymouth.

Te Kapa Haka o Ngāti Whakaue at 2025 Te Matatini Festival at Pukekura/Bowl of Brooklands in New Plymouth. Photo: Supplied / Te Matatini Enterprises

As powerful haka and waiata fill the air at Te Matatini o Te Kāhui Maunga, kapa haka fans continue to flood through the gates of the Bowl of Brooklands to secure a prime position to tautoko their favourite rōpū.

Numbers at the Bowl have been building up over the week, and will crescendo for a sold out finals on Saturday.

As early as 4am, a long line of supporters waited eagerly for the gates to officially open at 7.30am, with the first rōpū set to perform an hour later.

Wharepapa Paratini Poka is one of the many super-fans who got up at the crack of dawn to taukoto his home rōpū Ngā Waihotanga and Te Reanga Mōrehu o Rātana, securing a spot at the front of the line.

"I got here bright and early, 5.30am," Poka said.

Before entering Pukekura, supporters were greeted by the many volunteers at the front gates. Their mahi was to ensure whānau were all scanned in, had their bags checked, and had the appropriate wrist band.

Moananui Cooper (left) travelled from the Bay of Plenty to watch her whānau perform for Te Whānau ā Apanui.

Photo: Layla Bailey-McDowell / RNZ

When the gates finally opened, they also ensured the early-comers safety, as crowds sprinted to find a spot at the front of the stage.

As said by Paratini Poka, "Everyone was just sprinting through and then [the ringa hāpai] are telling us 'oh calm down, calm down. Haere, haere tonu, stay calm.' I was like ooh kia tūpato o Te Matatini aye?'"

When asked what essentials whānau need to bring to Te Matatini, he said "definitely a water bottle, definitely your supporter gears, and definitely a pōtae...which I don't have, but kei te pai."

Lart Sinclair was also one of the early risers at the front of the line.

"I got here at 5.30 in the morning, left Hāwera at 4.30am to get here."

Te Matatini supporter Lart Sinclair got up at 4:30am to secure at the front of the line.

Te Matatini supporter Lart Sinclair in line. Photo: Layla Bailey-McDowell / RNZ

Alongside his whānau, Sinclair arrived with everything needed for comfortable viewing.

"We're talking about setting up a business which is 'Matatini packs on Matatini,' it's good money. You need your tarp for your space, you need your chairs for your comfort - but you can't have it too high. Theres a whole tikanga about it that you gotta figure out."

Te Matatini have encouraged supporters to use low beach chairs or mats so everyone could see the stage.

Te Mauri Maniapoto, a Te Kapa Haka o Ngāti Whakaue supporter arrived with whānau at 6am and was one of the first in line.

After securing a prime spot, right in the front row, Maniapoto said the key was having a 'pre-runner' arrive earlier to line up.

Te Mauri Maniapoto (right), a Ngāti Whakaue supporter arrived with whānau at Pukekura Park around 6am and was one of the first in line.

Te Mauri Maniapoto (right), a Ngāti Whakaue supporter, arrived at about 6am. Photo: Layla Bailey-McDowell / RNZ

"You know, It's like they say, the early bird gets the worm. So we send the early birds to get the worm."

"The rest of us carried the bags, done the check-in, while the others came and set up our wāhi."

When asked what his Te Matatini essentials were, he said patience.

"Bring an abundant load of patience, sunblock, hat, a comfortable tūru. As long as you've got a good seat to view the kapa, then the day's a good day."

Maniapoto's piece of advice on how to support your rōpū best, was to turn up.

"Turn up and support. It doesn't matter whether you're sitting here or right up the back, just to be there and be present is enough."

Moananui Cooper (left) travelled from the Bay of Plenty to watch her whānau perform for Te Whānau ā Apanui.

Photo: Layla Bailey-McDowell / RNZ

Moananui Cooper, alongside her whānau, travelled from the Bay of Plenty to support their kapa.

"I hara mai mātau mai Te Whānau a Apanui te rohe o Mātaatua, kua tae mai i tēnei rā ki te tautoko i tō rāua Pāpā, kei te tū ia ki runga i te Taumata o Apanui."

We came from Te Whānau a Apanui in the Mātaatua region, we're here today to support their Dad who is standing for Te Taumata o Apanui.

"Hīkaka katoa mātau te hara mai ki konei, ahakoa kei te oho tonu ngā tamariki kua tae moata mai, kua hīkaka te ngākau. Ono, whitu haora te hautū i runga i te rori i hara mai i te pito o te ao me kī, te rohe o Mātaatua mai i Te Kaha tae noa mai ki konei."

We're really excited to be here, even though the kids are still waking up we got here early and we're feeling excited. We were on the road for six or seven hours coming from the center of the world in Mātaatua from Te Kaha all the way here.

Twins Ohae Tairongo and Toihau Raumoa are at Te Matatini to tautoko their whānau and pāpā performing for Te Whānau a Apanui.

Photo: Layla Bailey-McDowell / RNZ

"Atu i te kapa haka ko te noho tahi ki waenganui i te iwi Māori nē, ērā tūmomo āhuatanga kei taumata kē atu, kia noho mauri tau rātau ki waenganui i te iwi Māori mō tetahi kaupapa motuhake nei o te kapa haka."

Besides Kapa Haka the best part about being here is being among Māori, things like that are at a different level. So that the kids can be relaxed when they're among their people for a special event in kapa haka.

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