Oral Questions for 13 February 2024
SUZE REDMAYNE to the Minister of Finance: What recent reports has she seen on New Zealand's fiscal position? RT HON CHRIS HIPKINS to the Prime Minister: Does he stand by all of his Government's statements and actions? DEBBIE NGAREWA-PACKER to the Prime Minister: Does he stand by all his Government's policies and actions? RYAN HAMILTON to the Minister of Health: What recent announcements has he made to increase the number of New Zealand-trained doctors? HON KIERAN MCANULTY to the Minister of Local Government: Does he stand by his statement that he is confident repealing the Affordable Water Reforms will be "cheaper"? RICARDO MENÉNDEZ MARCH to the Minister for Social Development and Employment: Will indexing benefit levels to inflation rather than wages result in lower increases to benefits? KATIE NIMON to the Minister of Local Government: What recent announcements has he made about water infrastructure? HON JAN TINETTI to the Minister of Education: Does she stand by her statements and actions? LAURA TRASK to the Minister of Internal Affairs: What recent announcements has she made regarding the royal commission of inquiry into COVID-19 lessons? TANGI UTIKERE to the Minister of Transport: How does he expect Auckland Council to meet the $1.2 billion funding hole over the next four years to meet the costs of transport projects that the regional fuel tax was to fund as priority projects for Auckland? CATHERINE WEDD to the Minister for Emergency Management and Recovery: What recent announcements has he made regarding cyclone recovery? CHLÖE SWARBRICK to the Prime Minister: Does he stand by his Government's statements and actions?