Oral Questions for 16 October 2024
Questions to Ministers JAMES MEAGER to the Minister of Finance: What recent reports has she seen on the economy? Rt Hon CHRIS HIPKINS to the Prime Minister: Does he stand by all his Government's statements and actions? JOSEPH MOONEY to the Minister for Social Development and Employment: What recent data has she seen on the welfare traffic light system? Hon BARBARA EDMONDS to the Minister of Finance: Does she stand by her statement, "What New Zealanders can have confidence in is that they have a Government that is delivering what it said it would"; if so, now that FamilyBoost has begun being paid, how many families have actually received $250 a fortnight promised in the National Party's election campaign? CHLÖE SWARBRICK to the Prime Minister: E tautoko ana ia i nga korero me nga mahi katoa a tona Kawanatanga? Does he stand by all his Government's statements and actions? Hon Dr AYESHA VERRALL to the Minister of Health: Does he stand by his decision to appoint a commissioner to deliver a turnaround plan that will improve Health NZ's financial performance; if so, how will he ensure that the current financial year's performance is better than financial year 2023-24? LAURA TRASK to the Associate Minister of Education: What recent announcements has he made on improving school attendance rates? Hon WILLOW-JEAN PRIME to the Minister of Education: Does she stand by her decision to cut $30 million from Te Ahu o te Reo Maori? Dr LAWRENCE XU-NAN to the Minister of Education: E tautoko ana ia i ana korero me ana mahi katoa? Does she stand by all her statements and actions? RIMA NAKHLE to the Minister of Education: What update can she provide to her Make it Count action plan? GLEN BENNETT to the Minister responsible for RMA Reform: Does he agree with the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment's submission on the Fast-track Approvals Bill that "The Bill lacks many of the environmental safeguards its predecessor legislation contained. Even the much-maligned National Development Act 1979 had more environmental checks and balances"? CAMERON BREWER to the Minister for Building and Construction: What changes is the Government making in the building and construction portfolio, and why are these changes needed?