Season 2 Ep 12: Women's Suffrage

From The Aotearoa History Show, 12:13 pm on 7 December 2023

Women’s Suffrage | The Aotearoa History Show | RNZ

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NOTE: This episode of The Aotearoa History Show has been re-uploaded to correct some inaccuracies in the original version. These changes are as follows:

  • A segment referring to an effort by anti-suffrage MPs to exclude Māori women from suffrage has been removed. It appears those MPs were not actually serious about implementing this change to the bill.
  • A segment saying Premier Richard Seddon "opposed suffrage" and acted deliberately to sabotage it has been revised to reflect a degree of uncertainty among historians about Seddon's views of suffrage.
  • A line saying 19th century European women were the "property" of their husbands or fathers has been removed. Women were often treated as property but were not legally defined as such.
  • Various changes have been made to segments referring to Kate Sheppard and the WCTU to include a perspective among some historians that the WCTU's role in the suffrage campaign was less central than previously understood.
  • A number of small corrections have been made to places and dates.

On 19 September 1893 Aotearoa became the first self-governing country in the world where women could vote. 

So… How did it happen? Well that’s a wild ride from the French Revolution, through the colonisation of Aotearoa, to battles over booze, to ultimate victory. 

In this episode we discuss:

  • How New Zealand's first parliamentary election had far more liberal voting rights than in the UK.
  • The role of Māori women in decision making before colonisation. 
  • The global suffrage movement.
  • The rise of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union and the role debates over alcohol played in the battle for suffrage. 
  • The story of Kate Sheppard and her allies in the campaign for suffrage.
  • The story of anti-suffragists and the tactics they used to block women from winning voting rights.
  • The story of Māori suffragists including Meri Te Tai Mangakāhia.

For more on this subject:

  • A History of New Zealand Women by Barbara Brookes. 
  • Women's Suffrage in New Zealand by Patricia Grimshaw.
  • Women and the Vote - 

Voting Rights - Te Ara Encyclopaedia: