28 Jun 2016

Bill Cunningham and New York fashion

From Widescreen, 2:29 pm on 28 June 2016
NY Times street fashion photographer Bill Cunningham at work in the Hamptons in 2014

NY Times street fashion photographer Bill Cunningham at work in the Hamptons in 2014 Photo: Huffington Post

Widescreen’s Dan Slevin talks to Jesse Mulligan on Afternoons about influential fashion photographer Bill Cunningham (subject of 2010’s Bill Cunningham New York) and other documentary portraits of the New York fashion world.


The Bill Cunningham New York official trailer (2010):


Remembrance of Bill by Hilton Als in the New Yorker:

Photographers do not lie. They discriminate against a world that offers too much at once by fixing on that which intrigues or amuses them—mysteries they cannot solve in a glance. I think Cunningham was interested in women and black culture in particular because those are two cultural mysteries that offer layer after layer of emotional and historical complications that could never be solved in a photograph. That’s what kept him working as hard as he did—the act of almost discovering, of this or that being just outside his reach but present, like real possibility. All those female bodies, all those colored men—they were and were not himself, just as Atget’s Paris was and was not himself.


Trailer for Advanced Style (2014):


The September Issue trailer (2009):


The First Monday in May trailer (2016):