Amy Adams
Budget 2019 not over yet
The budget process is a long one which pops up in all corners of Parliament. Daniela Maoate-Cox tracks it from question time, to select committees, and back again. Video, Audio
Budget 2019 not over yet
The budget process is a long one which pops up in all corners of Parliament. Daniela Maoate-Cox tracks it from question time, to select committees, and back again.
Video, AudioNational finance MP Amy Adams discusses Budget 2019
The National Party is claiming that this year's Budget proves the government can't be trusted to manage the economy. National says more taxes, more debt and a slowing economy are all on the horizon… Audio
Budget leak: Treasury calls police about 'hack'
The Treasury has called in the police to investigate what they are calling a deliberate and systematic hack of the Budget documents on its website.
The Finance Minister and the Opposition leader are… Audio
Govt breaking promises on debt - National
National says the government is breaking a significant economic promise by easing its debt targets. The Finance Minister Grant Robertson says the government intends to relax its debt target of 20… Audio
How will Wellbeing Budget actually work?
There's been much hype and debate - both local and international - surrounding the coalition Government's first Wellbeing Budget. With less than two weeks until its unveiling, political reporter… Audio
Capital gains tax plan dropped - Amy Adams responds
National's finance spokesperson Amy Adams discusses the government's announcement it has abandoned plans to implement a capital gains tax. Audio
Approval for both ends of a budget cycle
There was a chance this week (however slim) that you might not have to pay any tax this year. So how did that work out then? Audio
Approval for both ends of a budget cycle
There was a chance this week (however slim) that you might not have to pay any tax this year. So how did that work out then?
AudioDebating the Budget Policy Statement
Before the big Budget debate takes place is a smaller pre-budget debate of sorts in which MPs argue the merits of what shapes the Government's budget decisions. Audio
Debating the Budget Policy Statement
Before the big Budget debate takes place is a smaller pre-budget debate of sorts in which MPs argue the merits of what shapes the Government's budget decisions.
AudioTax proposals an attack on Kiwi way of life - Amy Adams
The National Party's called the tax working group's proposals "an attack on the Kiwi way of life," and says the recommendations would make this country one of the most onerous capital tax regimes in… Audio
NZ may lose out if govt taxes Facebook, Google - National
Fears are being raised that a proposed tax on online companies could backfire and leave New Zealand consumers out in the cold. The Government is preparing to introduce a new tax on multi-national… Audio
IRD admits error with political question in survey
National says the Government needs to come clean on how much involvement it had in a government department asking New Zealander's about their political persuasions in a survey. Inland Revenue has… Audio
When Parliamentary questions become Christmas gifts
Sometimes choosing a general question for that all-important primary gives the asker an advantage, sometimes it turns out to be a disadvantage. Sometimes it might just be an unintended Christmas gift.
…When Parliamentary questions become Christmas gifts
Sometimes choosing a general question for that all-important primary gives the asker an advantage, sometimes it turns out to be a disadvantage. Sometimes it might just be an unintended Christmas gift.
… AudioTaupatupatu whānui - Parliament's weekly cage fight
After Wednesday's question time in the House MPs get a chance to tackle any topic they like in the General Debate. Phil Smith takes a look at what they spoke about this week. Audio
Taupatupatu whānui - Parliament's weekly cage fight
After Wednesday's question time in the House MPs get a chance to tackle any topic they like in the General Debate. Phil Smith takes a look at what they spoke about this week.
AudioMeka Whaitiri left bruises on staffer, National claims
National has called out the coalition Government's handling of the Meka Whaitiri incident, saying under Parliamentary privilege that there should be more information about accusations the MP left… Video, Audio
'Throw this female franchise out'
MPs acknowledge the efforts of suffragists in the past, how far the country has come and also what needs to be done as it marked the 125th anniversary of women attaining the right to vote in New… Audio