Auckland Airport
Shot dog's runway escape avoidable - report
The fatal shooting of an aviation security dog that escaped onto Auckland Airport's runway was avoidable, a report into the incident suggests.
Auckland Airport's profit continues to rise
Auckland Airport's profit has risen strongly driven by booming passenger numbers and growing demand for aeronautical and travel services. Audio
Akl Airport runway shut down for emergency landing
Auckland Airport's runway was shut down to allow a freight aircraft to make an emergency landing earlier tonight.
One hospitalised after Air NZ chemical spill
Air New Zealand says it evacuated a building as a precaution after a non-hazardous substance spilled at Auckland Airport this morning.
Drone 'interfered' with Auckland flight
Police said the drone was flying at 300 metres, and there was a second similar incident about 40 minutes later.
Northland Regional Council thinks it knows who damaged pipeline
Northland Regional Council says it has strong lines of inquiry into who damaged the vital fuel pipeline that broke last month, stopping fuel supplies from the Northland refinery, and grounding… Audio
Akl airport: All international flights delayed last night
More than 1000 passengers had to be rescreened at Auckland Airport, causing long lines, after a body scanner lost power last night.
Refining NZ trims back pipeline cost
New Zealand Refining says the costs of fixing the broken pipeline are expected to be less than first feared. The Marsden Point oil refinery operator has resumed pumping fuel through the pipeline… Audio
Fuel trucks remain on the road despite pipe repair
Airlines will be able to use more jet fuel from midnight tonight as Auckland's fuel supply starts to return to normal. Audio
Fuel pipeline fixed, capacity limited
Fuel tankers will be on the road delivering fuel between Marsden Point and Auckland Airport today, despite the damaged pipeline being repaired yesterday morning. Refining NZ chief executive Sjoerd… Audio
First jet fuel pumped through repaired pipe
The first load of jet fuel has successfully made its way through the newly repaired pipe-line from Marsden Point to Wiri - more than a week after the pipe ruptured.
Tanker to arrive with jet fuel in Auckland tonight
Three trucks, increasing to five on Monday, are driving around-the-clock to supply jet fuel to Auckland airport.
Akld prepares for ship carrying millions of litres of jet fuel
Safety measures are being put in place on Auckland's waterfront in preparation for the arrival of a tanker loaded with millions of litres of volatile jet fuel from Marsden Point refinery. Audio
Fuel crisis: No flight cancellations tomorrow - Air NZ
Air New Zealand says no flights will be cancelled tomorrow at Auckland airport because of fuel shortages, as repairs on the broken fuel pipe continue. Video
Aviation fuel tanker to hit road for Auckland
The first of a fleet of tankers will hit the road today to transport jet fuel to Auckland Airport, as airlines say the worst of the disruption is over. Audio
Two families evacuated as work continues on pipeline
More than 100 people are now working around the clock at a soggy Ruakaka farm site to fix the broken fuel pipe that's affected thousands of airline passengers flying in and out of Auckland. Audio
Refining NZ CEO defends testing of ruptured pipeline
Refining New Zealand CEO Sjoerd Post says the last time the pipeline carrying fuel to Auckland was tested was in 2014. The pipe ruptured last week, affecting thousands of airline passengers. Audio
Fuel industry says "relax"
The fuel industry says it's all going to be ok after the rupture in the Mardsen Point-Wiri pipeleine cuts fuel and inconveniences thousands of airline passengers. Audio
Ongoing Auckland fuel crisis media conference
A media conference has just been held at Auckland Airport over the ongoing fuel crisis that has seen hundreds of cancelled flights. Audio
Election 2017: Fuel crisis unwanted in final days of campaign
New Zealanders are flocking to the polling booths early, with more than half a million casting advance votes by the end of Monday. Activities to mark Suffrage Day on Tuesday may see the total of votes… Audio