Catherine Robertson
Crime Policing and Ethnic Communities
The government says it's upping the number of Police in Northland by 25 per cent. The announcement comes ahead of the start of the Minister of Justice Andrew Littles' Summit on Criminal Justice… Audio
Government freezes MPs pay
The Remuneration Authority recently recommended an incease of about three percent for MPs. But the Prime Minister Jacinda Areder says "no".Urgent legislation will have to be passed in order for the… Audio
The Panel with Catherine Robertson and Peter Fa'afiu (Part 2)
Six per cent of people in an American study experience smelling smells that aren't actually there. Scientists have yet to discover the root cause although they can see associations with seizures… Audio
The Panel with Catherine Robertson and Peter Fa'afiu (Part 1)
Government freezes MPs pay amid multiple pay negotiations with educators, police. The government says it's upping the number of Police in Northland by 25 per cent. The announcement comes ahead of the… Audio
Book critic, Catherine Robertson
Catherine tells us about some upcoming book events. Audio
System stymies prisoner education
Among the programmes aimed at reducing recidivism are education programmes through organisations like the Howard League, where volunteers help prisoners get educational qualifications. Audio
Dancing with the Stars technical glitsch vote upset
Dancing With the Stars viewers who tried to vote for David Seymour say say a technical glitch indicated their support for him last night was not counted, because of a technical glitch. Audio
Wellington's dark side
Broken street lights in parts of Wellington aren't being fixed for weeks or even months. There are even spells of darkness in Manners St one of the capital's busiest. Audio
Football World Cup update
RNZ's Emile Donovan casts an eye over what's happening in the Football World Cup. Including thoughts on Portugal, Spain and women commentators. Audio
Little House on the Prairie author struck off
One the North America's most successful pioneer-era writers has had her name taken off a book award that bore her name. Laura Ingalls Wilder's writing is laced with racism. Should her name be taken… Audio
Ardern's art to-do
The Prime Minister has done a couple of pieces of art for charity. She has a theme - her "to do" list. Beside those words she's painted "everything". Is this true artistsic expression? Audio
Panel Says
What the Panelists Catherine Robertson and Peter Fa'afiu want to talk about. Audio
Shhhh! I'm watching a movie
Would you just like everyone to shut up sometimes? Blabbing during movies, commenting during music performances, nattering in the middle of a play. Apparently people don't like being "shhhhh'ed". So… Audio
Activist recruits celebs to pro-cannabis cause
The founder of Dunedin's Cannabis Museum Abe Gray is gathering some influential names to get a conversation about legalising cannabis. Just how does he imagine that would look like in New Zealand… Audio
Crystal has another crack at the anthem
After a real shocker singing the New Zealand anthem at the rugby league in Denver American woman Crystal Collins was given a second chance. What do you think of this rendition she sang for a radio… Audio
Trucking company says 70 hours not too long on the road
The owner of Cromwell-based trucking company Summerland Express Freight says many drivers want long working hours. Some work up to seventy hours a week. There have been a series of accidents that… Audio
No fees tertiary offer
There's been not even a 1 per cent uptake on the government's offer of zero-fees for first year tertiary students. Did they get it entirely wrong or are their other reasons the offer hasn't been… Audio
The Panel with Catherine Robertson and Peter Fa'afiu (Part 2)
Would you just like everyone to shut up sometimes? Blabbing during movies, commenting during music performances, nattering in the middle of a play. Apparently people don't like being "shhhhh'ed". So… Audio
The Panel with Catherine Robertson and Peter Fa'afiu (Part 1)
There's been not even a 1 per cent uptake on the government's offer of zero-fees for first year tertiary students. Did they get it entirely wrong or are their other reasons the offer hasn't been… Audio
Book critic Catherine Robertson
Catherine talks us through upcoming literary awards and prizes, including tonight's Ockham NZ Book awards. Audio