Jonathan Krebs
The Panel with Jonathan Krebs and Sue Wells (Part 2)
Marriage - should people stick at it more? What the Panelists Jonathan Krebs and Sue Wells want to talk about. Retirement and finding career options over 55. We talk to Kathryn Ennis-Carter about… Audio
The Panel with Jonathan Krebs and Sue Wells (Part 1)
Prime Minister John Key has sung Helen Clark's praises at the UN and urged for a ceasefire in Syria. Donald Trump jnr has tried to make a point about refugees using an analogy about Skittles - a… Audio
Insight: Lifting the Lid on Undercover Policing
Edward Gay explores controversial undercover police techniques. Audio
Family smarts
A new book claims that families are the great equalizer when it comes to intelligence. Audio
The Building Pools Amendment Bill
Plunket says what's needed are fences with a secure gate, and that the pool should be completely isolated from the house. Audio
Too many fast food outlets near schools
A community initiative in Christchurch wants to see limits on the number of fast food outlets near schools. Audio
Why are Olympic athletes into cupping?
Dr Shaun Holt talks about the ancient practice of cupping and if it actually does anything for circulation. Audio
Panel says
What the Panelists Chris Wikaira and Jonathan Krebs have been thinking about. Audio
The Panel with Chris Wikaira and Jonathan Krebs (Part 2)
Revolver is 50 years old; Panel says; Why are Olympic athletes into cupping?;Too many fast food outlets near schools;The Building Pools Amendment Bill has passed its second reading;Family smarts. Audio
Drowsiness as bad as drink driving
Research from the US finds driving while sleep deprived is as bad as drink driving. Audio
Mob doing the job of Police
The rangatira of Waikato's Mongrel Mob Sonny Fatupaito is helping Police efforts to find attempted abductors. Audio
Labour MP Phil Goff is changing his colours
Auckland's Labour List MP Jacinda Ardern talks about fellow Labour MP Phil Goff's choice of blue for his mayoral hoardings. Audio
Gap narrows between Nats and Labour-Greens
The latest political poll by Newshub-Reid Research has Labour-Greens and National neck-n-neck. Audio
NZ's Rio results
A disappointment for the New Zealand women's sevens team at the Rio Olympics. Audio
The Panel with Chris Wikaira and Jonathan Krebs (Part 1)
Panel intro;Survival in the snow;NZ's Rio results;Gap narrows between Nats and Labour-Greens;Labour MP Phil Goff is changing his colours;Mob doing the job of Police;Drowsiness as bad as drink driving.
…Undercover cops risk false confessions
The New Zealand Police are increasingly using elaborate stings to trick suspects into confessions and one lawyer is worried they could be pressuring people into false confessions. Using the so-called… Audio
Waiting game for Pora and team over compo challenge
Teina Pora and his legal team are now playing a waiting game as the Justice Minister Amy Adams considers their request to allow a legal review of the Government's two point five million dollar… Audio