Nelson Region
Govt initially offered $1.4m for beach
An Awaroa beach property bought for the New Zealand public through a crowdfunding campaign was once the target of a $1.4 million government offer.
Elderly man given incorrect drug for stroke
A junior doctor who gave a 77-year-old the wrong drug for a stroke has been found to have breached patient rights. Audio
Council backs away from marina fee hike
The Nelson City Council has given owners of boats in the town's marina a reprieve after deciding to keep this year's increase at inflation levels.
Bunnings accused of removing three defibrillators
Bunnings has removed three defibrillators from its stores, two bought through staff fundraising, a union says.
Nelson marina charges could be doubled
Nelson boaties could have to pay twice as much to tie up in the city's council-owned marina. Audio
Nelson looks to develop its marina
Nelson City is looking to spend around five million dollars developing its marina over the next decade, with the aim of transforming it into a multi-use seasports park. Tracy Neal reports. Audio
Homes evacuated in Nelson area as river level rises
Significant rainfall overnight has caused flooding to parts of the Tasman District. Nelson Tasman civil defence's duty officer is Roger Ball Audio
Amelia Dunbar and Emma Newborn: bitches and woolsheds
Creators of the hit touring show The Bitches' Box, who are acting as dogs again in the new show, Sons of a Bitch, which tours to 19 woolsheds throughout the South Island in April, alongside… Audio
Bored old water makes for exclusive brews
Water "up to 30,000 years old" has become a McCashin's signature ingredient for the Nelson brewery's beer, ciders and soft drinks. Water assessed by scientists as being up to 30,000... Audio
Ancient water takes family business in new direction
Water that's up to 30,000 years-old has become a signature ingredient in the beer, ciders and soft drinks made and bottled at Nelson's McCashin's Brewery. [tags ] McCashin's Brewery Audio
Police gather in Nelson for annual gang poker run
A heavy police presence was expected in Nelson this weekend for an annual motorcycle gang poker run. Participants in the event, staged by the Prospects 81 of Nelson, ride around...
Classic boats shine at Nelson Lakes
This year marks the 17th year of the annual Antique and Classic Boat Show, held at Lake Rotoiti in the Nelson Lakes National Park. Tracy Neal reports. Video, Audio
Boatbuilding tops sport at top of South Island - study
Forget rugby or mountainbiking - boatbuilding contributes the most to the Top of the South's sport and recreation industries.
Bubbles could be marine pest buster
New technology - in the form of bubbles - being trialled in Nelson could revolutionise anti-fouling methods used to prevent the spread of marine pests on boats.
Freedom campers 'broke into port-a-loo'
Freedom campers have been fouling Lake Ruataniwha and sneaking into the lake's rowing centre, South Island Rowing says.
Freedom campers strain towns' limits
An explosion of freedom campers this summer has left small town New Zealand struggling to cope.
Nelson cleaning up after flooding overnight
Residents in the Nelson region are being urged to take care on their way to work and school this morning. Audio
Nelson hit by heavy rain overnight
Heavy rain has resulted in widespread surface flooding and bought trees down in the region overnight. Audio
Military chopper scrambled to save two tourists
An air force helicopter had to be scrambled to save two stranded tourists near Farewell Spit last night after atrocious weather grounded local rescue choppers. Audio
Flooding and trees down in Nelson
Intense rain across the Nelson region has resulted in widespread surface flooding and trees down. Audio