Oranga Tamariki
Ombudsman to investigate Oranga Tamariki uplifts
Ombudsman Peter Boshier has announced he will be investigating Oranga Tamariki's practice of removing new born babies deemed at risk - the third inquiry into uplifts announced in the last four days… Video, Audio
Ombudsman launches Oranga Tamariki investigation
Judge Peter Boshier will oversee an independent investigation into Oranga Tamariki's handling of uplifting new-born babies. Audio
Jackie Clark of The Aunties on Oranga Tamariki uplifting babies
Two inquiries are getting underway into the attempted removal of a newborn Maori babty from its mother at Hawkes Bay hospital. Karyn talks to Jackie Clark is the "Aunty in Charge" from The Aunties -… Audio
Willie Jackson: Uplifting babies a last resort
The co-chair of Labour's Maori Caucus says in some cases babies need to be removed from their whanau, citing the horrific deaths of the Kahui twins as an example where state intervention would have… Audio
Oranga Tamariki working closely with iwi – Jacinda Ardern
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says iwi and Oranga Tamariki working together with whānau who may be at risk of having a child uplifted has been a successful model in the Waikato. Audio
Advocacy group inundated with messages about Oranga Tamariki
A new advocacy group representing parents in dispute with Oranga Tamariki says it has been inundated with messages from hundreds of people asking for support. Set up just a month ago, Whanau First is… Audio
Media put Oranga Tamariki methods under the spotlight
A fly-on-the-wall account of an attempt to take a newborn baby from a Māori whānau into care put Oranga Tamariki’s methods under the spotlight and sparked claims of ‘a stolen generation.’ Those… Audio
Child removed from foster home because she’s Pākehā, parents say
Oranga Tamariki has removed a child from her foster home, with her foster parents saying it's because they're Pasifika and the child is Pākehā. Checkpoint was there when 'Sarah' was uplifted from the… Video, Audio
More on the Oranga Tamariki uplift story
Today the welfare agency's chief executive Grainne Moss has spoken out saying the video didn't tell the whole truth of the situation. Meanwhile the court action against Newsroom over the story has… Audio
Oranga Tamariki vs Newsroom
Newsroom has released an investigation into the "uplifting" of babies by Oranga Tamariki. It came with a powerful video, showing such an attempt to remove a newborn Māori baby from its mother in a… Audio
The brutal reality of babies taken by the state
The Detail: Newsroom's Melanie Reid has been reporting on children and babies being taken by the state for two years. Now, footage taken by the families involved reveals the brutal reality.
The brutal reality of babies taken by the state
Newsroom's Melanie Reid has been reporting on children and babies being taken by the state for two years. Now, footage taken by the families involved reveals the brutal reality of what really… Audio
Children in police cells a direct Treaty breach - Māori Council
An executive director of the Māori Council says holding young people in police cells is a breach of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Oranga Tamariki accused of dropping boy at gang pad
Oranga Tamariki has been accused of dropping a teenage boy off at a gang pad as punishment for being too cheeky. Māori news correspondent Leigh-Marama McLachlan reports. Audio
Oranga Tamariki accused of dropping boy at gang pad
Oranga Tamariki is being accused of dropping a teenage boy off at a gang pad as punishment for being "cheeky".
Mother's Day hui to discuss Oranga Tamariki's removal of newborn babies
Up to 100 women who have had children taken by Oranga Tamariki are expected at a hui in Raglan today.
Ministry abusing vulnerable families - midwife
Oranga Tamariki is being accused of bullying and racism by the Māori midwife who fought to prevent a young mother from having her baby taken away.
Children’s Commissioner: Whole of NZ infected with racism
Children's Commissioner Andrew Becroft says systemic racism affects decisions made by government workers, including those working in child welfare services. He is speaking out after two midwives… Audio
Oranga Tamariki two years on: what's changed?
Two years since the establishment of Oranga Tamariki - the Ministry for Children, more children and young people than ever are in the care of the state. The agency replaced Child, Youth and Family… Audio
'Deeply disturbing': More than 200 children abused - reports
For the first time, Oranga Tamariki has laid bare just how much harm and abuse is being done to children in its care.