Shamubeel Eaqub
Tax is Love, says Shamubeel Eaqub
A panel at Wanaka's Festival of Colour considers whether taxation is love. Lynn Freeman talks to Max Rashbrooke, Prof. Lisa Marriott and Shamubeel Eaqub in April 2021. Audio
A deeply unsympathetic media campaign
Employers have put their hands out for more migrant workers to fill gaps in their rosters over the last two weeks, but their campaign may have hit a sour note. Audio
A deeply unsympathetic media campaign
Employers have put their hands out for more migrant workers to fill gaps in their rosters over the last two weeks, but their campaign may have hit a sour note.
AudioAre interest rates set to rise?
ASB has raised its lending and deposits rates as a strong economy and growing inflation pressures signal an inevitable change in policy by the Reserve Bank. Kiwibank is also increasing its term… Audio
New housing policy changes: Will it work?
The government plans to help first-home buyers into the market, by increasing the caps for financial support, and extending the bright-line test from five to 10 years. Audio
House prices hit record highs, generation rent on rise - Eaqub
An economist is predicting the rise of generation rent as house prices reach record levels.
The latest figures from the monthly house price index shows house prices have increased by almost 20… Audio
Housing market keeps booming while thousands take mortgage holidays
Warnings the housing market is overcooked have not stopped people rushing to the bank to borrow huge sums.
As borrowing hits a record high, economists are warning the housing market is out of control… Audio
The rise of the post-Covid town centre
Auckland's suburban shopping strips appear to be getting a welcome boost from locals working from home. However, spending data shows the pandemic's business armageddon is far from even with a 40… Video, Audio
What has changed for housing during the Labour coalition government?
It was to be a transformational government that promised to address ballooning house prices and help buyers get a step on the ladder.
But has anything changed during the Labour coalition government's… Audio
Economist calls for more social housing stock
An economist is calling for more social housing stock and better rentals to help ease housing pressure.
Real estate data shows the national average asking price was down on the previous month, but… Audio
Covid-19: 'Zombie towns' thriving during pandemic
Famously labelled zombie towns, regional centres are bearing up well through the Covid-19 crisis off the back of the rural economy and extremely low case numbers.
They are also having new life… Audio
Economist on 'zombie towns' thriving in pandemic
Famously labelled zombie towns, regional centres are bearing up well through the Covid-19 crisis off the back of the strong rural economy and extremely low case numbers.
They are also having new life… Audio
Covid-19: NZ still facing big economic shock - Shamubeel Eaqub
An economist says New Zealand is facing a big economic shock after Covid-19 hit.
The government opened its books for Pre Election Fiscal Update, also known as the PREFU, on Wednesday and the picture… Audio
The government refuses to defer the new fuel tax
Economist at Sense Partners, Shamubeel Eaqub talks about the impact of the new fuel excise tax. Audio
Economy showing strain, are welfare changes coming?
As the economy shows further signs of strain, what can the government do in this week's Budget to get us on the road to economic recovery? 41,000 more people have gone on to the benefit since… Audio
Coronavirus: Green Building Council calls for post-pandemic spend on warmer homes
The Green Building Council has a housing plan it says would be a quick-fire way to stimulate the economy in the wake of Covid-19.
In a new report, it urges the Government to invest in warmer homes… Audio
Coronavirus: Will consumers get back to businesses at Alert Level 2?
The whole country is holding it's breath to find out when we will go into Alert Level 2.
Once the level drops retail, hospitality and domestic travel will be allowed again, albeit with restrictions… Audio
Treasury forecasts show NZ facing significant hit to economy
Treasury forecasts show New Zealand is facing a significant hit to the economy no matter how long the country remains in Alert Levels 3 and 4.
Treasury has released seven different scenarios on the… Audio
Coronavirus: Economists say unemployment could hit 30pct
Senior economists are predicting unemployment to reach 15 percent, with one warning it could even hit 30 percent as Covid-19 brings the economy to a shuddering halt.
They say the sudden stop to most… Audio
Covid-19 govt package should focus on jobs & business losses
The Government is finalising a multi-billion dollar package to tackle to economic fall out of the coronavirus. The tougher travel restrictions, which came into force at 1 oclock this morning, are… Audio