Todd Barclay
Start-up scores a scoop and a scalp
Established news media and the parliamentary press gallery were scooped by a recent online start-up on the biggest political scandal of election year so far.
AudioNational Party Conference
RNZ political editor Jane Patterson reports on day one of the National Party conference in Wellington and what to expect on day two. Audio
Focus on Politics for 23 June 2017
It's been an unexpectedly messy week for the National Party this week in the lead up to its election year conference, and the first real test of Bill English's leadership. The party clearly thought… Audio
Barclay saga threatens to overshadow National party conference
As National Party members converge on Wellington for their annual conference, senior members of the party say the gathering will not be overshadowed by #DeBarclay Audio
PM rejects National cover-up allegation over Todd Barclay
The Prime Minister is rejecting allegations he and senior National Party figures were complicit in a cover up over the Clutha-Southland MP Todd Barclay. Audio
Peters lays complaints over Barclay saga
The NZ First leader has filed two privileges complaints against the Prime Minister, claiming he has misled Parliament with his answers to questions about Todd Barclay. Video
Do voters think the Barclay scandal has hurt National?
The prime minister doesn't think the recording scandal has damaged his reputation or that of the National Party. Perry Wilton asked people in Auckland if they agreed with him. Audio
Todd Barclay employment resolution was sufficient, PM says
Bill English has defended how his party handled Todd Barclay's recording controversy, saying it wasn't acceptable behaviour, but was resolved in "the correct way" in an employment agreement. Video, Audio
Gore's mayor unsurprised by Todd Barclay's decision to resign
Gore's Mayor Tracy Hicks says Todd Barclay is bright, energetic and enthusiastic and this scandal has been a huge surprise. He says the fallout is concerning and a lot of people are feeling fragile… Audio
Peters baying for Bill English's resignation
Todd Barclay has resigned but that isn't enough for the opposition. Winston Peters wants Bill English to resign. "This is the most simple scandal I've seen in New Zealand politics." Audio
Todd Barclay a 'risk' to the National Party
RNZ's Political Editor Jane Patterson says it's interesting that Todd Barclay will stay on until the election. She says the media have a lot of questions for him, and he'll be a risk to the National… Audio
Bill English's public silence on Barclay questioned
The Prime Minister's role in the Todd Barclay saga. Critics say say Bill English knew for more than a year Mr Barclay had recorded his staff without their knowledge and never said a word publicly… Audio
Barclay controversy: PM accused of 'cover up'
Prime Minister Bill English was accused by the opposition of a "cover up" over the Todd Barclay controversy in Parliament this afternoon. Video, Audio
Recap - Todd Barclay stands down
National MP Todd Barclay has announced he won't stand as a candidate for the 2017 election and will leave Parliament at the end of the term. Look back on RNZ's coverage as it unfolded.
National MP Todd Barclay to leave Parliament at end of term
National MP Todd Barclay won't stand as a candidate for the 2017 election and will leave Parliament at the end of the term. Audio
Todd Barclay scandal 'an absolute disgrace' - Little
National MP Todd Barclay has disgraced himself as an MP and should resign, Labour Party leader Andrew Little says. Audio
Law professor on Todd Barclay
Otago University law professor Andrew Geddis unpacks the legal situation around Todd Barclay recording a staffer. He says this could be potentially 'career ending'. Audio
PM and MP's conduct in question over recordings
The Prime Minister's own integrity is now under question after a Newsroom investigation blew the lid off a long-festering dispute between the Clutha Southland MP Todd Barclay and a former staff… Audio
Barclay's prospects growing dimmer by the minute
Power Play - National MP Todd Barclay shows no sign of resigning - for now - but a short statement to reporters leaves serious questions unanswered.
It's not over yet, Todd Barclay
Clutha-Southland MP Todd Barclay has apologised for what he says were misleading statements. RNZ Political Editor Jane Patterson joins Checkpoint live from Parliament. Audio