Ardern defends govt track on Māori prison numbers
The prime minister has defended the government's record on Māori prison numbers as she prepares to return to Waitangi.
Dildo-throwing activist trespassed from Waitangi
Josie Butler, the activist who threw a dildo at Stephen Joyce in the lead up to Waitangi commemorations in 2016, says she will defy a trespass order banning her from the Treaty grounds. Audio
Waitangi roars into life as Hek Busby becomes Sir Hek
Te Taitokerau leader Hekenukumai Busby is now Sir Hek - with thousands of his people celebrating his investiture in Waitangi today. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern was by his side as the master carver… Video, Audio
Govt announces $80m to get youth into work
The government will pump $80 million into getting young people living in the regions trained and into work. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern made the announcement at Waitangi today. Audio
Don Brash to avoid politics and 'listen' at Waitangi
Former National Party leader Don Brash says he's delighted to be speaking at Waitangi and will speak about the economy. Video, Audio
Waitangi Tribunal gets new members
The president of the Māori Women's Welfare league is one of three new members added to the Waitangi Tribunal.
Time for Tikanga to be recognised as a system of law?
The winner of the annual science awards's Early Career Research Excellence Award for Humanities says he'd like to see Tikanga Māori recognised as a system of law itself. Victoria University's Dr… Audio
New Waitangi hotel could be built near Treaty grounds
A new hotel could be built near the Waitangi Treaty grounds to help provide more accommodation in the Bay of Islands.
NZ Wars commemorations begin with mass haka
The first national commemoration of the New Zealand Wars begins with a mass haka at Te Tii Marae at Waitangi this afternoon.
Increasing the peace at Waitangi
The media described Waitangi as peaceful place on our national day this year, in contrast to years gone by in which reports were heavy on conflict. How did they get to grips with the change in… Audio
Govt help for Māori: 'We'll know in the Budget' - Tamihere
Forty thousand people battled the scorching heat in Waitangi yesterday to make it to one of the biggest and busiest Waitangi Day commemorations ever.
It was Jacinda Adern's first appearance as Prime… Audio
Opposition sceptical of govt's 'big talk' at Waitangi
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern asked those at Waitangi to hold her to account, and already the Opposition is promising to do so. Ms Ardern wound up her five-day-visit to Northland on Tuesday, after… Audio
Prime Minister has lunch with Paihia students
Students - rather than politicians - have been asking Jacinda Ardern the tough questions at a special picnic.
Call for Jacinda Ardern to bury placenta at Waitangi
Tamaki Makaurau MP Peeni Henare suggested the PM's baby's pito whenua, or placenta, should be buried at Waitangi - which would tie Jacinda Ardern, her whanau, and her baby to Ngapuhi forever. Video, Audio
Jacinda Ardern makes history at Waitangi
Jacinda Ardern today became the first female Prime Minister to speak during the formal proceedings at Waitangi. Her speech touched on her hopes for her child, and her hopes for the future of… Video, Audio
RECAP: PM says Waitangi speech a privilege
Blog - The Prime Minister, Members of Parliament and other dignitaries have been welcomed onto the treaty grounds at Waitangi. Look back on RNZ's live coverage.
Meet the Māori warden escorting Ardern onto her marae
First Person - Francis Mahanga has never met a prime minister. Today she'll escort Jacinda Ardern onto her marae.
Waitangi: Everyone 'singing from the same songsheet'
The Prime Minister is half-way through her extended stay in Waitangi and will this morning be formally welcomed at Te Whare Rūnanga Marae on the treaty grounds. Audio
Māori Wardens 'carry tupuna on our shoulders' - Frances Mahanga
At Waitangi, Mihingarangi Forbes speaks to Māori Warden Frances Mahanga, who says in her role she carries her tupuna, her ancestors, on her shoulders as she accompanies the country's prime ministers.
…Peeni Henare at Waitangi: 'We need to work hard'
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says she's had very positive talks in Waitangi but Labour needs to show it can deliver. She says she feels the weight of the expectation. RNZ Maori issues correspondent… Audio