Mediawatch for 29 October 2023
Covering news from all over the country is a struggle for media companies dealing with rising costs and falling revenues. But some local outlets are surviving - and even thriving. Mediawatch's Hayden… Audio
Whanganui District Council votes for Māori wards
Whanganui is the last council in the Manawatū-Whanganui region to establish Māori wards.
Whanganui park revamp - Old Mother Hubbard, or just plain old?
Whanganui's iconic Kowhai Park is a blast from the past - but locals are wondering, do today's kids even recognise Humpty Dumpty? Audio
Majority in favour of Māori wards in Whanganui – council survey
The majority of those who took part in a council survey want to see Māori wards introduced in Whanganui.
Bike trail bridge connects National Park and new ecosanctuary
The longest suspension bridge in Aotearoa will be built as part of the infamous "missing link" of the Mountains to Sea trail in the central North Island.
How will Whanganui Hospital cope with a growing population?
Overburdened, understaffed, under-resourced, under the pump - all are words used to describe Whanganui Hospital's strained emergency department.
New strategy for wellbeing of Whanganui River to be unveiled
The long-term strategy to address the wellbeing of the Whanganui River system will be unveiled on Friday.
Homecoming: Historic riverboat to sail once again on Whanganui River
After decades away, one of the last survivors of the historic Hatrick riverboat fleet has returned to the awa.
Two in hospital after driver fleeing Palmerston North robbery crashes
Police are trying to find the vehicle's third occupant who fled the scene after it crashed on College Street.
Parihaka hopeful drillers will be kept off historical lands
Parihaka trustees are optimistic no drilling for oil and gas will be allowed on the pā's historical land, despite silence from the Minister of Energy and Resources.
Backcountry adventurers advised to be on alert for avalanches
The Avalanche Advisory has issued warnings for dangerous conditions in several alpine ranges.
Iwi groups get Crown apology, $30m redress package in Treaty settlement
Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Andrew Little hopes the settlement will help restore the wellbeing of both the people and their lands.
Avalanche alerts issued for Tongariro, Taranaki
The New Zealand Avalanche Advisory is warning of very dangerous avalanche conditions for Tongariro.
The Whanganui forest which never stopped growing opportunity
Richard Thompson planted Papaiti forest with alternative species 30 years ago. He never dreamt at the time he would become a timber merchant with a joinery workshop and retail shed. Audio
Whanganui District Council plans for population growth
Whanganui District Council is backing a forecast for high population growth as a starting point for its next 10-year plan.
Body of missing Palmerston North woman found at beach
Police say the body of Paula Justine Harris was found at Waitārere Beach in Horowhenua on Monday.
Poor areas hit hardest by Whanganui rate rises
Rates in some of the poorest areas of Whanganui will increase by nearly 20 percent, while affluent suburbs will see rates rise only 0.5 percent on average.
Whanganui mayor: 8.3% rates rise 'unacceptable - but that's the reality'
Rates in Whanganui will rise an average 8.3 percent following the adoption of Whanganui District Council's annual plan on Tuesday.
'It's taken away community use': Open-top Whanganui velodrome a missed opportunity - contractor
The contractor laying the new track at the Whanganui Velodrome says the city missed an opportunity by not putting a $20 million roof over the complex.
Erased: the story of Charles Mackay - Part 2
In the second of a two-part episode on Charles Mackay Black Sheep investigates the mysteries surrounding the Whanganui Mayor's attempted murder of D'Arcy Cresswell - a former soldier who threatened to… Audio