Queensland fruit fly found in Devonport
Biosecurity inspectors are on the ground in the Auckland suburb of Devonport following the discovery of a Queensland fruit fly. Audio
Failure to find M bovis source frustrates agriculture minister
Damien O'Connor says money may be better spent on biosecurity systems that prevent similar outbreaks of the Mycoplasma bovis infection.
Potato virus cannot be eradicated
Potato growers have become resigned to having the so-called "potato mop top" virus remain in their midst.
Fruit growers furious with MPI over destroyed seedlings
A leading Hawke's Bay orchardist says a decision by a US company to stop selling fruit trees to New Zealand could cost the industry billions of dollars. Last month the Ministry of Primary Industries… Audio
Thousands of protected species seized at NZ border
From shells and corals to elephant feet, primate skulls and chopped up seahorses, more than 9000 protected species were seized at the New Zealand border in 2017 - a 300 percent increase since 2011… Audio
KPMG Agribusiness Agenda 2018
KPMG released its ninth Agribusiness Agenda at Mystery Creek this week. In forming the report authors talk to leaders from every primary sector you can think of. Audio
No biosecurity concern over 55,000 seized cuttings - industry
MPI is seizing the fruit tree cuttings - imported from 2012 through to 2017 - because of defective paperwork but the nursery industry says it's just a bureaucratic error. Audio
Calls for Ministry to hand over kauri dieback response
The Ministry of Primary Industries has failed to fix the problem of kauri dieback, and it should hand over management of the programme, groups involved say.
Citrus Canker: Northern Territory fruit quarantine
All citrus produced in Australia's Northern Territory has been blocked from leaving the state after a disease, citrus canker, was detected there.
Fourth stink bug infested ship ordered from NZ
A fourth ship from Japan has been been ordered to leave New Zealand because it has the brown marmorated stink bug on board.
Ian Proudfoot
KPMG's global head of agribusiness, Ian Proudfoot, has five topics on his mind: new food protein choices, large multi-national companies swallowing up small companies, Biosecurity issues in New… Audio
Mycoplasma bovis: Cow disease now on 20 farms
The Ministry for Primary Industries has confirmed two more farms have tested positive for the cattle disease Mycoplasma bovis, bringing the total number of infected properties to 20.
Sausage smuggler refused entry into NZ
A Belgian sausage smuggler who tried to conceal pork and salami sausages from biosecurity officials has been forced to leave New Zealand.
Fears new fisheries unit doesn't have specialist knowledge
There are concerns the new standalone fisheries unit in the Ministry for Primary Industries won't be specialised enough to do its job properly. The ministry is losing its all-encompassing role and… Audio
Government plans review of kauri dieback programme
Concerns not enough is being done to combat kauri dieback have prompted the Government to review the programme to tackle the disease.
Monday expert: Roger Smith MPI
MPI's Roger Smith is responsible for ensuring the biosecurity of our country and today he talks about trawlers' dirty bottoms, the dogs doing God's work and the weird and not-so-wonderful things… Audio
Summer brings risk of rapid myrtle rust spread
An increase in funding to combat myrtle rust disease on native trees has been welcomed by a leading plant scientist, who says warmer temperatures could let it spread rapidly.
Myrtle rust found in Waikato
Two ramarama trees on different properties in Waikato have been infected with the disease.
Authorities did all they could on PSA risk - MPI lawyer
The authority in charge of border biosecurity was not able to check every item crossing New Zealand's border, the High Court in Wellington has been told.
Parasite's threat to native plants greater than first thought
A parasite which puts native plants under threat could be more dangerous than originally thought, new research shows. Audio