Our Changing World - A new type of cancer therapy
Claire Concannon visits the Malaghan Institute for Medical Research to learn about a new type of immune cell therapy which could be the future of cancer treatment in New Zealand. Audio
Calling Home: Belinda Waymouth in Santa Monica
Belinda Waymouth is an environmental journalist and advocate who lives in Santa Monica with her husband, the stand-up comedian Jake Johannsen, and 17-year-old daughter, Fionnula. She's Calling Home… Audio
Frontal Fatigue: how technology is overstressing our brain
In his trailblazing new book, Frontal Fatigue: The Impact of Modern Life and Technology on Mental Illness, Dr Mark Rego examines why mental illness and stress are skyrocketing alongside technology. Audio
Southland Charity Hospital could open mid-2022 despite setbacks
The pandemic has caused setbacks for the new Southland Charity Hospital, but it's already offering colonoscopies and could open by mid-2022.
Backlog of 45,000 breast screens since lockdown
The Breast Cancer Foundation fears lives are being put at risk, as tens of thousands of mammograms are delayed due to Covid. Associate Health Minister Ayesha Verrall has confirmed a back-log of 45,000… Audio
Sniffing out cancer
Claire visits the team at K9 Medical Detection Charitable Trust to learn how their dogs are being trained to detect bowel and prostate cancer. Audio
Why some people need less sleep than others
Ever wondered how some people are able to function optimally on just a few hours' sleep, while others still find themselves feeling a lot less than ideal after a solid eight hour shift? Those lucky… Audio
What if the food advice we know is wrong?
A new study out of Sweden says decades of official dairy wisdom is incorrect, suggesting dairy fats can actually protect us against heart attack and stroke. Dr Ali Hill runs the rule over some of the… Audio
Commercial radio urges MPs to rein in RNZ
This week the big commercial radio broadcasters boasted of record-breaking audiences for their big brands when the latest audience figures came out. But at the same their bosses were also urging our… Audio
People with cancer symptoms urged to get tested
People with cancer symptoms are being urged to get tested, after hundreds of cases went undiagnosed during last year's nationwide Covid-19 lockdown.
Te Aho o Te Kahu, the independent Cancer Control… Audio
More than 100 nurses, doctors ready to help Auckland hospitals
More than 100 nurses and doctors from around the country are on stand by to help out in Auckland as the Delta outbreak continues to pile the pressure on the region's hospitals.
However, clinicians… Audio
Testosterone's link to men's success questioned in new study
It's a commonly-held belief that your testosterone can affect where you end up in life. However, a new study claims that higher levels of testosterone in men doesn't give them an edge. Study author… Audio
NZ developed machine could revolutionise cancer treatment
Auckland-based company Buckley Systems has developed and manufactured a machine which could help treat the most difficult cancers. Founder and developer Bill Buckley discusses the potentially… Audio
The ultimate stair climb to fight blood cancer
Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand are fundraising by getting people to climb up to 5000 steps at Eden Park. The challenge will see 445 participants working up a sweat to support the cause. We… Audio
New national cancer treatment service opens in Auckland
Some cancer patients will no longer need to fly to Australia for treatments. A new, national cancer treatment service opened in Auckland this morning to provide Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy… Audio
Dr Gary Fettke: fighting the demonisation of red meat
Gary Fettke is the only doctor in Australia to be banned from giving dietary advice to his patients, after recommending those with complications of Type 2 Diabetes reduce their sugar intake. Now Dr… Audio
How longer working hours are killing us
Long working hours led to 745,000 deaths from stroke and heart disease in 2016 - a 29 percent rise since 2000, according to new research from the WHO and the International Labour Organisation. The… Audio
ACC loses court battle over asbestos cancer victim
There's relief for the family of a woman who died of cancer, after a final ruling that she was wrongly denied money from ACC in the years before her death.
Deanna Trevarthen died of a cancer called… Audio
Vegetarians have healthier biomarker profiles than meat-eaters
New research suggests people on a vegetarian diet have healthier levels of disease markers than people who eat meat. Otago University's Dr Ali Hill joins the show to explain what biomarkers are, and… Audio
Songs for the Family - a posthumous album from Malcolm Black
Two years on from the passing of Netherworld Dancing Toys frontman Malcolm Black, his family has just released his posthumous album 'Songs for the Family.' Longtime friend and guitarist Jeff Dickie… Audio