What to do if your child won't do a sleepover
Sleepovers might seem like a rite of passage. That doesn't always have to be the case.
What's an A+ teacher's gift?
Hint: it's not a coffee mug or scented candle, Instead, it's handwritten and from the heart.
Is it ok to let your kids drink alcohol?
Is there really any harm in letting the 16-year-old have a Gizzy Gold at Christmas? Audio
Is it okay to let my teen drink alcohol?
Some parents think introducing alcohol to their kids at a young-ish age "like the French" is a good idea. It's not.
Tim Bray created kids theatre for 33 years. Cancer and limited funding will end that run
"Chemotherapy is tough and I don't know if I even have the resources or the energy to supply a week's handover to anyone. It has been a hard one," Bray said. Audio
What Do You Call Someone Who Sings at Christmas? Carol!
Bryan & Bobby have a mystery to solve: is Christmas really cancelled? There's a triple treat of jokes from Atarangi, Nathan, and Oriana, and Peter Gilderdale tells the story The Little Yellow Digger… Audio
Early Christmas cheer as retirees restore old bikes for kids
The retirees say they enjoy drawing on their decades worth of DIY knowledge, and seeing happy youngsters zoom off on their new wheels. Audio
Māori, rural children at greater risk of severe paediatric appendicitis
Rural kids suffer severe appendicitis four times the rate of those in urban areas, and Māori children double the rate than non-Māori. Audio
Evidence found of inhumane treatment of disabled children
One child was held in seclusion for 62 days. Audio
Midday Report Essentials for Wednesday 4 December 2024
In today's episode, testing for bird flu is underway at a small free range farm in Dunedin, the Children's Commissioner has found evidence of "inhumane treatment" at a facility for intellectually… Audio
Evidence found of inhumane treatment at facility for intellectually disabled children
The Children's Commissioner has found evidence of "inhumane treatment" at a facility for intellectually disabled children, where one tamariki was held in seclusion for 62 days. Chief Children's… Audio
How do I prepare my child with disabilities for school?
Starting school is a major milestone for every child, and the transition is more complex if a disability is involved.
Best Christmas Present Ever!
Trevor asks kids about the best Christmas present they ever got, we chat about Santa's Fireproof Knickers, Hatupatu gets into trouble with the bird woman, and Suzy finds out about reindeer. Audio
Is there a downside to winning?
End of year school prize givings can see every child receive a certificate. While all tamariki walk away with a smile, is there a downside? Kathryn Berkett has a Masters in Educational Psychology and… Audio
For mumfluencers, the changing digital age comes with new challenges
Mumfluencing can be a lucrative business, but making a living off of children can come at a cost.
The good, the bad and ugly of mumfluencing
Mumfluencing can be a lucrative business, but making a living off of children can come at a cost Audio
The Panel with Sarah Catherall and Scott Campbell (Part 2)
Tonight on The Panel, Wallace Chapman is joined by panellists Sarah Catherall and Scott Campbell to discuss a Murchison school now having to source lunches from Hamilton and why the kissing babies… Audio
The fight to get the young involved in civic life
Our cultural relationship without the USA usually flows in one direction, from them to us. But for some things they are looking to us, here in Aotearoa. Caroline Klibanoff is currently visiting on an… Audio
Feature interview: why you might never be a grandparent
The birthrate is dropping all over the world which means fewer parents become grandparents. Audio
Fa la la la laa!
Kairav talks about the book Greedy Cat's Christmas, Suzy has random Fun Facts and a Brain Teaser, and Trevor talks to kids about their favourite Christmas songs. Audio