Defence Force
For Sale: Defence vehicles sit idle waiting for a buyer
The Defence Force is struggling to sell 20 light armoured vehicles that have been sitting idle for seven years.
Defence Force struggling to sell surplus vehicles
The Defence Force is struggling to sell 20 light armoured vehicles that have been sitting idle for seven years because they're surplus to requirements. Documents obtained under the Official… Audio
New Defence purchase deserves close scrutiny
Analysis - Monday's announcement that the government would be spending billions on surveillance planes was in stark contrast to the nurses' placards, writes Guyon Espiner.
Defence force urged to replace 50-year-old Hercules fleet
Defence Minister Ron Mark is now under pressure to replace the Air Force's ageing Hercules fleet before their useby date in three to five years.
Ron Mark under pressure to replace Hercules planes
The Defence Minister Ron Mark is now under pressure to replace the Airforce's ageing Hercules planes before their useby date in three to five years. They frequently fly on humanitarian aid missions… Audio
New planes for the NZDF
The government's confirmed the purchase of four new maritime patrol planes. It's costing $2.3bn. Green MP Golriz Gharaman doesn't want to see them fitted-out to carry missiles and bombs and that leads… Audio
Govt’s defence comments on China a new path - David Capie
A Victoria University strategic analyst says New Zealand has taken a new path by sounding a note of alarm about China's role in the Asia-Pacific region. The government's Strategic Defence Policy… Audio
Greens urge govt to scrap plans for missiles, bombs
Defence Minister Ron Mark is being urged to scrap plans to put missiles and bombs on board the new aircraft that will replace the country's old P-3 Orions. Audio
Golriz Ghahraman questions NZDF planes' 'war-making capability'
The Green Party is questioning the need for weapons on the four maritime patrol aircraft the government has announced it will buy. Defence Minister Ron Mark confirmed on Monday the $2.3 billion… Audio
Defence Force planes purchase 'fair' - Winston Peters
The Defence Minister is being urged to scrap plans to put missiles and bombs on board the new aircraft that will replace the country's old P-3 Orions. Ron Mark has announced the purchase of four new… Audio
Greens urge Govt to scrap plans for missiles, bombs
The Defence Minister is being urged to scrap plans to put missiles and bombs on board the new aircraft that will replace the country's old Orions. The four P-8A Poseidon planes are similar to the… Audio
Govt's defence strategy takes solid stance on China
The way the government has highlighted concerns about China in its long-term strategy for defence has surprised some New Zealand academics, who warn China won't be pleased. Video, Audio
Strategic paper from NZDF lands
Defence Minister Ron Mark has issued a strategic paper for future Defence decisions. Audio
Old navy ship changes tack to protect ocean from warships leaking oil
A navy ship that started its life supporting oil rigs is changing tack to protect the Pacific Ocean from old warships leaking oil. Video, Audio
Accidental soldier: from teenage wasteland to Iraq deployment
Matt Young was an 18 year old with a hangover when he enlisted to become an infantryman in the US Marine Corps. Between 2005 and 2009 he completed three tours as a so-called "grunt" in Iraq during the… Audio
Retiring Chief of NZ Defence Force
The country's top solider, Chief of Defence Force, Lieutenant General Tim Keating, will retire on Friday after four and a half years at the top. The former SAS member and commander of the SAS… Audio
Second repatriation of NZ military remains to begin
The process to return the remains of 28 defence personnel and one child from cemeteries in Malaysia and Singapore to this country will begin next week.
Housing development for Defence Force opens
A new housing development to house 49 families of the New Zealand Defence Force opened yesterday in West Auckland.
A carpet of dead bodies: a Hiroshima survivor's story
At thirteen Taeko Yoshioka Braid survived a moment of history that changed the world forever; the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. Produced by Lynda Chanwai-Earle. Audio, Gallery