David Norman - The Maori Economy
Economist David Norman joins Wallace to talk about his new report which shows Maori are facing a period of incredible economic growth. With more than $43 billion in assets, Maori are a growing… Audio
Nights' Pundit - Economics
There's no such thing as a free lunch - with independent scholar Brian Easton. Audio
What does Brexit mean for the UK economy and NZ's?
Economics professor Dr Christoph Schumacher discusses what's panicked the markets and the economic impact of Brexit. Audio
Nights' Pundit - Economics
What are the Government's options to ease the housing crisis? Independent economics scholar Brian Easton weighs in. Audio
Geoffonomics: Ghost houses
Geoff Simmons of the Morgan Foundation on the housing crisis and the impact of "ghost" houses. Audio
Bill Phillips- Kiwi inventor of the MONIAC
The life of New Zealand original thinker, the late Bill Phillips who invented a revolutionary computing machine, has been thoroughly documented in a new book, A Few Hares to Chase. The book, written… Audio, Gallery
NZ looks to cash in on hungry booming middle class in Asia
By 2025 over 1 billion Asian consumers will move from lower to middle class which means they will have money to spend on things they can't afford now - including more expensive, imported food. Video, Audio
Tony Atkinson - Godfather of Inequality Studies
Sir Tony Atkinson has been called the godfather of inequality studies. He was a mentor to economist Thomas Piketty (author of the bestseller Capital in the 21st Century)and Nicholas Stern calls him… Audio
Nights' Pundit - Economics
There's no such thing as a free lunch - with independent scholar Brian Easton... the state of the world economy - especially what is going on in China... Audio
Truckometer reflects recent rebound in business confidence
The ANZ Bank's latest economic survey - the truckometer - reflects the recent rebound in business confidence and other economic indicators.
Big boost for Māori exports
New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) is committing an extra $1.6 million to support Māori businesses wanting to grow internationally, the Minister of Māori Development has announced.
There's no such thing as a free lunch - with independent scholar Brian Easton.. where is the world economy going? Audio
Feminism, economics, & who cooked Adam Smith's dinner?
Katrine Marcal, author of Who Cooked Adam Smith's Dinner?, argues there is a fatal flaw in our continued reliance on Adam Smith's representation of how the economy works. She believes it places an… Audio
Research Strategist Greig Fleming on the China Crisis
This week China and the crisis in its markets has been very much in the headlines but after initial panic which saw Wall Street drop 1000 points on opening - the markets seem to have calmed down,so… Audio
Is there no such thing as a free lunch - with independent scholar Brian Easton. Is the New Zealand economy heading into a recession? Audio
The Best of Upbeat for 25 July 2015
In this week's episode: Eva speaks to economist and copyright expert George Barker, before meeting violin superstar Isabelle Faust and multimedia artist Jasmeen Patheja. Audio
George Barker: Copyright Law
Dr George Barker is an expert on Copyright and Intellectual Property law. He tells Eva Radich why he thinks New Zealand Copyright laws need tightening. Audio
Ross Ashcroft: economics and Europe
Ross Ashcroft is a British filmmaker, renegade economist, essayist and strategist. He is the founder of the media company Motherlode, and the online platform Renegade Inc., and his 2011 feature… Audio
There's no such thing as a free lunch, with independent scholar Brian Easton. The TPP and the US Trade Promotion Authority. Audio
Jack Feleti: Ebony Carver
In a village on Niue's eastern coast, master carver Jack Feleti makes one-of-a-kind objects from the ebony he finds on his ancestral lands. The exquisite, hand-carved pieces he produces have been sold… Audio