Kiwiyo chief executive Norman Markgraaff responds
Whangarei teenager Monet-Mei Clarke who her job at a frozen yoghurt store after being told she couldn't say "kia ora" to greet customers. We have received a response from Kiwiyo chief executive Norman… Audio
Stress in the U.S workplace rings warning bells for NZ
Dr Ben Snyder is lecturer in Sociology & Social Policy at Victoria University. He shadowed truck drivers, Wall Street traders and unemployed workers in the United States for several months, reveals… Audio
Cement plant closing in Westport
It's been confirmed 120 jobs will go when Westport's Holcim concrete plant closes in 2016. Audio
One In Five for 1 June 2014
The LYNKZ programme in Whangarei helps support people living with disabilities to move into the workforce, participate in community events, and gain skills for independence, to set goals and to… Audio
Growing Jobs
The Eastern Institute of Technology, Work and Income and local iwi have teamed up with an Hawkes Bay orchardist, John Bostock, to set up a training programme that's helped some locals get off the… Audio
Law with Mark Lawlor
Mark Lawlor is an employment law partner at Duncan Cotterill in Auckland, he discusses the rules around drug testing in the workplace. Audio
Claims ACC releases full case files to employers
Claims ACC releases full case files to employers With Helen Kelly - President of the Council of Trade Unions, Karolin Potter - Christchurch community board member and Justice of the Peace, Ben… Audio
WINZ expands scheme to support unemployed with illness issues
The Social Development Ministry is preparing to expand a Work and Income service model that came into effect last year which sees more intensive and individual case management for some people who were… Audio
Employment law commentator Andrew Scott Howman
Restraint of trade provisions which prevent employees from working for a competitor after the end of their employment. Audio
Mongrel Mob presence being felt in Marlborough
Marlborough residents are worried seasonal work is luring members of the Mongrel Mob to their region. And despite the arrests of Mob gang members last year, locals are still not happy. Audio
One In Five for 9 March 2014
Carol Stiles meets Whangarei woman Vanassa McGoldrick who, when she was a teenager, dreamed of becoming a lawyer. Then, there were no accessible universities, and even a few years ago, arms had to be… Audio
Longing For Leadership
Centre for Workplace Leadership director Prof. Peter Gahan from The University of Melbourne on why there's a high level of dissatisfaction by Australian employees of their bosses, and how workplaces… Audio
Insight for 26 January 2014 - Closing the Gender Gap?
Erina O'Donohue investigates the challenges women face, including violence and equal pay, 120 years after winning the vote. Audio
Wayne Brittenden's Counterpoint
With the debate over the minimum wage, as opposed to a living wage, gathering pace, Wayne tells us that hundreds of New Zealanders - virtually forgotten employees - receive only a fraction of the… Audio
At Least We Have Our Jobs by Francesca Emms
Jenny has to rethink her direction in life after losing her boyfriend and taking up a job in a government-funded agency. A satirical musical cabaret about real stuff. Audio
Insight for 27 October 2013 - Matching Education and Jobs
William Ray looks at tertiary students' job prospects and what can be done to match output of graduates with needs of industry. Audio
Dress For Success
Dress For Success is an international network helping women to find jobs and stay in work. It provides a free clothing and fitting service for jobhunters here in New Zealand too. With dresser Kristeen… Audio
Marjolein Lips-Wiersma - Meaningful Work
Associate Professor Marjolein Lips-Wiersma from the Department of Management, University of Canterbury, talks to Chris about her simple map that defines the elements that together make for work worth… Audio
Guy Standing: basic income and the Precariat
Professor of Development Studies at the University of London, founder member and co-president of the Basic Income Earth Network, and author of The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class. He is visiting… Audio
One In Five for 2 September 2012
Providing employment for people with disabilites and a project archiving the evolution of New Zealand Sign Language. Audio