Invasive: the story of Stewart Smith
Between the 1960s and late 2000s Stewart Smith went on a one-man crusade, releasing thousands of invasive fish into New Zealand’s rivers, lakes and streams. In this episode of Black Sheep, we… Audio
Fishing adventures with Scott Parry
The eighth season of 'Fishing and Adventure' will premiere on TV1 next month. Co-presenter, company director, and founder Scott Parry joins Jesse in the Auckland studio. Audio
DOC defends fisherman slammed by public for accidental shark catch
The Department of Conservation has leapt to the defence of a fisher who accidentally caught a great white shark off the coast of Taranaki at the weekend.
Rob Ansley of Ocean Pearl Fisheries has faced… Video, Audio
Cam's food adventures
Hawke's Bay father, Cam, has been described as a cross between Bear Grylls and Jamie Oliver. Audio, Gallery
Kaimoana for Kiwis - from sea to plate
Troy Bramley and Claire Edwards are trying to fish as sustainably as possible. They're also shunning plastic and polystyrene for seaweed and compostable boxes to bring kaimoana to Kiwis from sea to… Video, Audio
Samoan economy rocked, despite no Covid-19 cases
Samoa continues to have no confirmed cases of Covid-19, but like almost everywhere else in the world, the local economy has been hit hard by lockdown restrictions. Chef and restaurateur Joe Lam joins… Audio
Alaskan hero providing groceries for entire town
Gustavus, Alaska, is home to the world's smallest and most isolated Costco shop. When it was cut off from its supply chain, owner Toshua Parker took matters into his own hands and started loading… Audio
Boaties must remain off the water under Level 3
The Coastguard is reminding people that it will be status quo for boaties during Alert Level 3 and to remain vigilant about not going out on the water.
New Zealand moves to Level 3 at 11.59pm on… Audio
Al Brown's lockdown – slow cooking, reading and feijoa-foraging
Chef and restaurateur Al Brown is enjoying a bit of break with time to cook comfort food and do lots of reading. On his daily walk, he forages for feijoas which work well in a simple feijoa & almond… Audio
Off the grid: Life on Great Barrier Island during lockdown
Third generation Great Barrier Island resident Tom Daly is living off-the-grid with his wife Beth and three children under six -- Beau (6), Finn (4), Hucks (2). He talks to Jim about how they are all… Audio
Ill-equipped isolators place strain on Great Barrier Island
Great Barrier Island sounds like the ideal place to isolate during the lockdown but resident Tom Daly, who lives there with his wife and three kids, says some people have arrived on the island… Audio
Bringing New Zealand's lost wonders back to life
Author Sarah Ell's new book Lost Wonders: Vanished Creatures of Aotearoa is an all-ages introduction to the vanished creatures of Aotearoa New Zealand, from the long extinct species to those now on… Audio
Calling Home: Costa Cotsilinis in Athens
Costa Cotsilinis wanted to give something back when he was appointed Honorary Consul-General for NZ in Greece in 1991. Twenty nine years later, he is still doing everything to help New Zealanders and… Audio
Middle-age misery hits at 47.2
Dartmouth College Professor David Blanchflower has studied data across 132 countries to measure the relationship between wellbeing and age and come up with a U-shaped happiness curve, which reaches… Audio
Crayfish company can’t find ‘permanent solution’ to launch boats post-quake
A crayfishing company has reignited an "emotional" battle to get its boats back in the water on Marlborough's east coast after the 2016 earthquake.
Anglers on the Rangitata River asked to share their stories
Anglers who have fished on the Rangitata River in Canterbury are being asked to come forward with their best tales - to be included in an oral history. The hope is to put a human face on the values of… Audio
Controver-seas: reservations about marine reserves
Science communication student Amy Archer, from the University of Otago, investigates recommendations from the South-East Marine Protection Forum for marine reserves on the Otago coast. Audio
Fishing for the Future
It's wild salmon fishing season, and our guest this week, Chief Executive of North Canterbury Fish & Game, Rasmus Gabrielsson, talks about efforts to keep the fishery sustainable. Audio
Rob Hamill: High times at sea with The Cruising Kiwis
'The Cruising Kiwis' are former New Zealand Olympic rower Rob Hamill, wife Rachel and their three boys. They are currently travelling through the Fiji islands and will soon be heading toward South… Audio
Yellow-eyed penguins under threat from fishing nets - Forest & Bird
Forest and Bird is warning an increase in yellow eyed penguins getting caught in fishing nets is pushing the nationally endangered bird to the brink of extinction.
It estimates 30 of the penguins… Video, Audio