Pukenui washout: Locals drive dodgy road to get through
For the second day, anyone wanting to travel to and from the top of the North Island has to drive a forest road around the washout on State Highway One under police escort. RNZ reporter Nita… Audio
OIO to take over forestry registration
Forestry registration rights are to be brought under the control of the Overseas Investment Office, which will have its processes streamlined.
Tree goal will require better govt communication - consultant
The government needs to change its approach to forestry and communicate better with farmers, a consultant says.
Fears new fisheries unit doesn't have specialist knowledge
There are concerns the new standalone fisheries unit in the Ministry for Primary Industries won't be specialised enough to do its job properly. The ministry is losing its all-encompassing role and… Audio
Forests for Farmers
The Forest Owners Association says there are terrific opportunities for farmers to get into forestry now the government's announced an ambitious scheme to plant an extra billion trees in the next… Audio
Calls for shortened harvesting to plug wood supply gap
A forestry consultant is calling for the New Zealand forest industry to shorten the harvesting period for radiata pine trees to plug a predicted slow-down of wood supply.
Wood processors welcome govt's forestry plans
Northland timber millers are praising the new government's plans to invest in forestry.
Scrapping irrigation subsidies 'shortsighted'
The new policies announced by the incoming government this week are a mixed bag for the rural sector, Federated Farmers says.
Small Northland Maori forestry company hailed as model
Taitokerau Forests Limited started with a government loan 30 years ago. Now, according to economists, it's a regional development success story. Audio
Pair charged with fraud over disappearing $1m
Two trustees of a Māori-owned forest in the Far North have been charged with a million-dollar fraud.
Foreign investment crucial for forestry industry
Foreign investment in forestry is crucial and New Zealand could never afford to buy back all the forests it has sold, the Forest Owners Association says.
Northern iwi back NZ-based timber processing
Northern iwi welcome a call to re-establish a Forestry Service, saying more investment should be put into processing the wood.
NZ First forestry plan backed by Northland iwi
Northern iwi are welcoming New Zealand First's call to re-establish a Forestry Service saying they see potential for new jobs and an opportunity to take control back of their lands. New Zealand First… Audio
Forestry an NZF priority for coalition talks
Winston Peters has revealed one of New Zealand First's priorities for coalition talks is the future of forestry, and timber supplies for local mills.
Tackling red needle cast
Red needle cast is a relatively new disease hitting pine plantations in New Zealand and retarding tree growth. Plant pathologist Dr. Nari Williams has been looking at ways to manage it. Audio
Five forestry deaths this year spurs new safety call
The death of a 23-year-old worker, who was the second in his family to die, makes this year the deadliest since 2013.
2017 deadliest year in forestry since 2013
2017 has become the deadliest year in forestry since 2013 after a fifth person was killed last week. Now the government is being called on to look at why safety standards still aren't being met. Audio
A View from Above
Drones are increasingly being used in forestry, farming and orcharding. They're zeroing in on diseased trees in forestry plantations, are making sure kiwifruit growers haven't planted more gold… Audio
Forestry hoping new initiative will improve accident figures
Today is International Workers Memorial Day and one of the country's most dangerous industries -- forestry -- is marking it by announcing a new safety initiative. Forest Industry Safety Council's… Audio
Seven workplace deaths in a fortnight
Seven people have died in workplace accidents in the past fortnight, and Worksafe says a culture change is needed.