Labour says landlords will be lining pockets if National win
The Labour Party says landlords and property investors will be lining their pockets if National is elected to government on Saturday, likely at the expense of those who are renting those properties.
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Group lodges Ombudsman complaint over handling of Christchurch's proposed housing density changes
A panel has heard submissions on the Christchurch City Council's proposed changes which could see greater housing intensification in a number of suburbs.
Neighbour wants Kāinga Ora to help double glaze home if townhouses built
A Blenheim homeowner wants Kāinga Ora to help double glaze their house if they build a two-storey property beside them, claiming it will block the sun into their "already cold" home.
New housing complex opens in Kaikohe
A new style housing complex is about to become the permanent home for some Kaikohe locals struggling to find a place to live.
The development's first ten units have been formally opened in a dawn… Audio
First-home buyers fuel housing market recovery - QV
There has been another uptick in the value of the housing market, with more first-time buyers in the market.
Latest price index shows house prices recovering
The housing market is showing signs of recovery according to the latest QV House Price Index.
Despite the market being largely flat in the three months ended September, the average home value has… Audio
'It will change my life' - new tenant of Kaikohe social housing
Having a secure roof over his head will be "life-changing" for a Kaikohe man, who is likely to become a tenant in a new social housing development.
'Everyone deserves a fair shot' - Kaikohe community housing opens
The first stage of a "groundbreaking" community housing project will open in Northland next week.
Home buyers 'shaking with relief' after government bails out developer
The government has been in secretive negotiations with a struggling developer to unlock scores of KiwiBuild homes that otherwise might not have been handed over to anxious first home buyers.
Wayne Brown: Payouts for flood-affected homeowners 'right thing to do'
Auckland Council has rubber-stamped the plan to pay out the owners of hundreds of flood-damaged houses.
A garden for soul food
When living space is tight, a community garden gives residents a place to breathe. Audio
Auckland's young people grappling with reality they may never own a home, council hears
Representatives from diverse communities across Auckland have spoken with the city's council this morning, presenting the governing body with their strategic priorities for the future.
Decision looms over Auckland storm-damaged homes buyout process
Auckland Council will decide at a private meeting on Friday how it will buy homes damaged in recent severe storms. Audio
Owners of Hawke's Bay cyclone-damaged homes 'angry, sad' at council
Owners of some cyclone-wrecked Hawke's Bay homes say they are depressed, desperate, and still in the dark about whether they will ever return home.
Buyout of cyclone ruined homes set to begin
The buyout of nearly 300 cyclone-wrecked Hawke's Bay homes that are too unsafe to live in will kick off by the end of the month.
The regional council told homeowners on Tuesday their 'provisional'… Audio
House prices stabilising as market confidence increases - Corelogic
Flatlining property values may be a sign that the 17-month-long downturn has ended, property research firm CoreLogic says.
Construction activity slows as interest rates and building costs rise
A significant drop in consents for new residential buildings is expected to result in a material drop in construction activity and take some of the heat out of the economy.
Property industry highest political donors according to analysis
An RNZ analysis of political donations shows people involved in the property industry are giving the most - and almost all of it is going to National, ACT and NZ First.
People and businesses aligned… Audio
Property market at a stand-still ahead of election
The property market is at a stand-still as the country awaits the results of the election.
September figures from realestate.co.nz show no movement in the national average asking price.
The number… Audio
New property listings plummet in pre-election lull
Although a drop in listings was noted across most of the country, year-on-year growth was seen in Marlborough, Auckland, Central North Island, and Nelson and Bays.