Renters' advocate urges code of conduct for property managers
Renters United spokesperson Geordie Rogers says there are very weak regulations to hold property managers to account, and a code of conduct is required.
Video, Audio
Govt extends healthy homes deadline for private landlords
Private landlords have been given an early Christmas present - an extra year to bring their rentals up to healthy homes standards.
The government has extended the deadline, saying supply chain… Audio
Property managers to be regulated in raft of rental sector changes
A renters' advocacy group says the healthy homes extension means more renters will end up in hospital with "totally preventable" illnesses from cold, damp homes. Audio
Renters warn govt not to delay healthy homes deadlines
Renters' advocates are warning the government's healthy homes deadlines deferrals will mean more people are hospitalised with preventable illnesses, while landlords will get wealthier.
The pushed out… Audio
Housing market confidence expected to take another hit
Buyer confidence in the housing market is likely to take another hit if a forecast official cash rate hike happens this week.
The Reserve Bank is anticipated to raise the OCR again tomorrow - with… Audio
Iwi file Treaty claim over proposed Hamilton housing project
Ngaati Wairere have filed a Treaty of Waitangi claim over a proposed housing project in Hamilton, saying they were never consulted despite strong historical ties to the site.
Government considering extension to healthy homes deadline
The government has confirmed it is considering extending the deadline for landlords to comply with its Healthy Homes standards.
Government considering extension to healthy homes deadline
The government has confirmed its considering extending the deadline for landlords to comply with its Healthy Homes standards.
Covid supply-chain delays and labour shortages are making it difficult… Audio
Govt's investigator working with Christchurch council over housing intensification concerns
The government has appointed an investigator to work with the Christchurch City Council on housing intensification.
Proposal to build houses on flood-prone land condemned: 'It's not viable'
A plan to build nearly 700 homes on a Napier flood plain is being attacked by a local councillor as making no sense.
The Panel with Georgie Stylianou and Steve McCabe (Part 2)
Today on The Panel Wallace and panellists Georgie Stylianou and Steve McCabe discuss the drop in house prices and how more people are selling at a loss. Plus, they discuss the pros and cons of a… Audio
From social work to real estate, Tama Emery's career switch
Tama Emery has achieved a lot in his 29 years, he's been a social worker, business owner, mentor, rugby player, kapa haka performer and dancer. But now he's finding success in real estate, using a te… Audio
More houses likely to sell at a loss, CoreLogic says
The latest CoreLogic research shows almost 3 percent of properties were sold at a loss in the three months to September, compared with nearly 1 percent in the fourth quarter of 2021. Audio
RMA rebuild will require new skills, training - expert
A construction expert says a 10-year old target for rolling out changes to the Resource Management Act is realistic.
The government is ditching the Resource Management Act in favour of a new law it… Audio
Government promises faster, cheaper, simpler RMA system
Faster, cheaper, simpler - the government's promising a lot with its massive overhaul of the Resource Management Act but it's copping criticism from all political quarters.
Ministers are touting a… Audio
Up to a quarter of houses could sell at loss over next few months - CoreLogic
An economist is predicting up to a quarter of houses could sell at a loss in the coming months.
CoreLogic's new Pain and Gain report is out this morning and shows around 3 percent of houses sold in… Audio
RMA one step closer to being scrapped, replaced
The Resource Management Act is one step closer to the scrap heap.
The government is repealing the regulatory quagmire and replacing it with three proposed laws, two of which have been introduced to… Audio
House prices drop amid market hesitancy
The median price of a property in New Zealand has dropped 7 percent in the past year, but it is starting to rise again.
Housing crisis: 'The market is failing the people of Queenstown'
The housing affordability crisis is continuing to grow in Queenstown Lakes, even as property values decline across the rest of the country.
Queenstown Lakes bucking house decline trend
As property values across the country decline, Queenstown Lakes is bucking the trend – bringing misery to the community's most vulnerable.
One mother has told RNZ she's been living apart from her… Audio