Why you can swear on bFM, but not on Morning Report
After flying under the radar for 25 years, student radio station bFM's expletive-laden BSA promo landed in front of the Authority. So why was the complaint not upheld?
How to Write: A trail guide
Dennis Viehland joins Jesse to talk about how to write a good trail guide. Audio
British swearing less than 30 years ago
New research suggests people in Britain swear less than they did 30 years ago, but they are also slipping in the "f word" more than in the past.
The researchers estimate the use of "bloody" - the… Audio
Lost in translation: how translators have shaped world history
Would Hiroshima have been bombed if the Japanese language contained a phrase meaning 'no comment'? Did a mistaken translation of the Italian "canali" -- or channels -- shape the space race to Mars… Audio
How to Write a news story
For today's how to write segment we're talking about how to write the news. Jesse speaks to RNZ's South Island bureau chief Belinda McCammon. Audio
Maisey Rika: 'Inside te reo Māori is a whole world'
Award-winning singer Maisey Rika is now an NZ Arts Laureate, receiving the 2021 Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa Award for her creative work. She talks to Kathryn Ryan about her love of music and te reo Maori. Video, Audio
Series 2 | Episode 6: Tōku Reo, Tōku Ohooho - He Kākano Ahau: Wawatatia
In the second of our reo-based episodes, we talk about the challenges that come with learning te reo as a second language. Audio
Word: Sexism in language
Tonight we are looking at sexism within the English language and how it may impact the way we view women. Corinne Seals is a Senior Lecturer in Applied Linguistics at Victoria University of… Audio
Cook Islands' language week - some phrases to learn
It's Cook Islands' language week - a celebration of the language, culture and identity of the Islands. This year's theme is: 'Ātuitui'ia au ki te Oneone o tōku 'Ui Tupuna - which means "connect me… Audio
Word: salt and pepper - not pepper and salt
On tonight's Word segment one of our regulars, Professor Jen Hay from the University of Canterbury, joins Karyn to talk binomial pairs and name ordering - she'll explain why we call it salt and… Audio
West African drumming can mimic sounds of language
Research has shed light on how the Dùndún style of West African drumming played by a group in Ifesowapo can mimic the sounds of a locally spoken language.
Skilled drummers can manipulate… Audio
Frozen, The Lion King to be dubbed in te reo Māori
Production is underway to create te reo Māori versions of Disney classics, Frozen and The Lion King.
How to Write a valedictory speech
Today former MP and United Future leader, the right honourable Peter Dunne, talks to Jesse about how to write a valedictory speech and what is best left out when saying an official goodbye. Audio
Kiribati language week - preserving a language
It's Kiribati language week -- the second time it's been held in Aotearoa New Zealand. This year's theme is: The home is where we nurture our children towards a healthy, responsible, loving and… Audio
Banaba Island: The land that died so others could live
First Person - Although Banabans share the language with the people of Kiribati, they have an identity and history that is distinct, writes Hele Ikimotu. Video
Word: a signature sound in the New Zealand accent
This week on WORD Karyn speaks with Emma Wollum about uptalk - the rising intonation that can come at the end of a statement and has been described as making people sound unsure or deferential. Audio
Pakeha on the reo waka
Will the Maori language blossom if many more Pakeha jump on the reo waka? Not necessarily, according to Alison Jones, a professor at Te Puna Wananga, the School of Maori and Indigenous Education at… Audio
Tamariki Māori excelling in kōhanga reo, kura kaupapa - report
It's been a day of celebration for kōhanga reo and kura kaupapa leaders with a new report highlighting the success of the Māori immersion education model.
Word: Confusables and verbing weirds
On Monday night's we look at words - in all their wonderful weirdness, because the English language certainly is a very odd mix of languages and concepts. Audio