Budget week goings on, diamonds in the rough
This week was Budget week at Parliament, but instead of boring you with numbers, The House dives into limitations of party leaders' responses in the Budget Debate and what got done under urgency. Audio
I oppose this awful [add details] plan
Budget day is all about the Minister of Finance’s big reveal. But spare a thought for other party leaders who must prepare speeches opposing something they haven't read yet. Audio
Stuff that went down under Budget urgency
It’s the norm following the delivery of the Budget for the House to go into urgency, when government moves through legislation directly related to the Budget and some other stuff too. Audio
Member's Bill: a rough diamond waiting to be shaped
A member’s bill freshly picked from the biscuit tin is like a rough diamond waiting to be shaped, according to the MP behind the latest member’s bill on the order paper. Audio
Budget '23: the ceremonial nature of a big day
The Minister of Finance talks us through the ceremonial nature of the delivery of the Budget in Parliament. Audio
MPs make great talkers, but terrible tellers
Parliament changed a long-standing rule this week and will now leave the counting of votes to the experts. It turns out MPs just aren’t that good at counting. Audio
Private bill offers a more reflective debate
Because a private bill addresses a specific matter particular to just one person it offers a more mellow and reflective style of parliament debate. Audio
Officers of Parliament face more complex and demanding environment
The latest from the House Audio
Congratulating an ‘heir’ but pondering ‘successors’
MPs voted today to congratulate Charles III on his coronation. But while noting the heir, thoughts of an alternative Head of State are not far away. Is it not just inevitable but timely? National’s… Audio
Backbench MPs take on Russia
Backbench MPs sometimes quietly engage in international diplomacy. One relatively junior MP recently faced off against Russia on behalf of not just NZ, but also Canada, Australia and all of Europe. Video, Audio
Luxon v Sepuloni exchanges follow repetitive rhythm
A rare series of square-offs between Opposition Leader Chris Luxon and Deputy Prime Minister Carmel Sepuloni in her capacity as Acting Prime Minister became repetitive. Audio
Tourette's Association speaks on petition at health committee
Parliament’s Health Select Committee has heard from people petitioning for Tourette Syndrome to be recognised by the Ministry of Health as a disability in its own right in this country. Audio
Portents and harbingers of the Budget
Budgets are wrapped up in a combination of mystery and tradition. The portents of the Budget to come have begun already and will only increase as it nears. Audio
Parliament's first Te Reo Māori outreach
MPs have joined Parliament's Speaker in visiting regional New Zealand for five years, but for the first time a Speaker's outreach has gone all-in on Te Reo Māori at an immersion Kura. Audio
Long game: activism at Parliament
Their work is usually unpaid and sometimes overlooked, but activists play an important long-term role in the parliament system. Four veterans open up on their experiences at parliament. Audio
Behind the scenes of Cabinet
Rachel Hayward has two overlapping jobs, ‘organising’ both Cabinet and the Executive Council. Those twin roles are an also a great insight into how government works at the very highest level. Audio
Jacinda Ardern: Text and Photos - full valedictory
Prime Minister’s farewell speeches are rare events. We have photos, video and the full transcript of Jacinda Ardern’s valedictory address. Video, Audio