Young poet’s powerful response to the world
Listen to 17 year old Aucklander Ruby Esther's spoken word piece 'I Normally Write Funny Poems' - winner of this year's Word Up! competition. Video, Audio
Stephen Burt on poetry
Poetry can be perplexing… some say that’s the point. But writer, poet and critic Stephen Burt is here to help. Video, Audio
Gregory O'Brien
Painter, poet, curator and writer Gregory O'Brien is the author of a number of books. His latest (with Nick Bevin) is Futuna: Life of a Building (VUP). He talks with Kim about the demise of the… Audio
Katherine Mansfield's poetic side
After several discoveries of previously unknown poems by Katherine Mansfield in recent years, all her authenticated poetry has just been published for the first time in one collection. Co-editor… Audio, Gallery
Luci Tapahonso - Navajo poet laureate
Luci Tapahonso is a professor of English at the University of Arizona in Tucson and the first poet laureate of the Navajo nation. The native speaker of Navajo is in New Zealand as part of Victoria… Audio
Nights' Culture - Poetry
Former convener at VUW Modern Letters Creative Writing workshop, Cliff Fell, on the singer-songwriters who've won the Nobel prize for literature - Bob Dylan isn't the first, that honour belongs to… Audio
Settling the Score - Sam Hunt
Poet Sam Hunt shared his vote for Settling the Score with David Morriss on RNZ Concert's Classic Afternoons. Audio
Jimmy D: There's more to life than fashion
Auckland-based designer James Dobson talks about life before the internet, meeting the needs of a clientele that range from 15-60, and why he has to remind himself that there is more to life than… Audio, Gallery
Poet Karlo Mila on the rise of Pacific poetry
Poet Karlo Mila had no idea what the mangrove poem in her high school English exam was about but now her works on Pacific culture, love, and politics are used in schools throughout New Zealand. Audio
Poetry with Gregory O'Brien: Diana Bridge and Helen Jacobs
Kim Hill talks to painter, poet, curator and writer Gregory O'Brien about two poetry collections: In the Supplementary Garden by Diana Bridge (Cold Hub Press), and Withstanding by Helen Jacobs (Makaro… Audio
Masterpieces with Hera Lindsay Bird
Hera Lindsay Bird talks about her 2016 ascent to poetry rockstardom, the strange emails she gets, and why she loves the art of Yvonne Todd. Audio, Gallery
Hinemoana Baker's Berlin life
New Zealand poet, musician, artist and Creative New Zealand’s Berlin Writer in Residence Hinemoana Baker invites Upbeat’s Vincent O’Donnell inside for a catch up about what the residency means for her… Audio
Stephanie Johnson has a book for all dog-lovers - Good Dog!
A handsome red nose pit bull called Busta, Olive the guide dog, Hairy Maclary and Kevin Ireland's Mighty Sid all get a mention in a new collection of Kiwi writing about dogs. Dog-lover and writer… Audio
Poetry with Gregory O'Brien
Kim Hill talks to painter, poet, curator and writer Gregory O'Brien, who discusses The Collected Poems of Alistair Te Ariki Campbell, and the new edition of Small Holes in the Silence: Collected Works… Audio
The Mixtape: Tourettes
Poet, rapper, writer and youth mentor Dominic Hoey picks some verbose and subversive music for the RNZ Music Mixtape. Video, Audio
Bruce Gilkison: James Hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd
Kim Hill talks to Bruce Gilkison, who spent the past two northern summers walking some of the Highland journeys completed in 1802-1804 by his great-great-grandfather, the Scottish writer, poet… Audio
Slamming the spoken word
Two time Poetry Idol and member of South Auckland Poets Collective Zane Scarborough, slams the spoken word. He’s been busy organizing the first inter- high school poetry slam which encourages youth to… Audio
Nights' cultural ambassador - Poetry
Cliff Fell shares the work and life of Welsh poet and painter David Jones, whose modernist work tackles war and history. Audio
Poetry with Gregory O'Brien: Hera Lindsay Bird
Kim Hill talks to painter, poet, curator and writer Gregory O'Brien, whose latest book (with Nick Bevin) is Futuna: Life of a Building. He will discuss the debut poetry collection by Hera Lindsay… Audio
Jenny Bornholdt - A Selection of Poems
Lower Hutt poet Jenny Bornholdt's new book, Selected Poems, represents her work over nine collections and nearly 30 years of writing. She was the winner of the 2002 Katherine Mansfield Memorial… Audio