English version of Treaty of Waitangi vandalised at Te Papa
A Te Papa exhibit with the English translation of Te Tiriti o Waitangi has been trashed by protestors. The wooden panel displaying the english words hangs on the fourth floor of the museum near the… Video, Audio
Landlords and tax changes: End of a flawed law
Analysis - The new coalition government has announced a suite of tax reforms, with early criticisms of potential windfalls to landlords, but the previous policy could also be extremely punitive.
Government keen to change how Human Rights Commission operates
The new Government has signalled it wants to change the inner workings of the Human Rights Commission.
On Thursday, the Justice Minister, Paul Goldsmith, refused to express confidence in the… Audio
Problem Gambling Foundation on new regulations
New gambling regulations came into full effect over the weekend, with higher standards introduced and harsher penalties now placed on casinos and other venues with poker machines that don't comply.
… Audio
New gambling regulations 'unworkable' says Gaming Machine Association
New gambling regulations came into full effect over the weekend, with higher standards introduced and harsher penalties now placed on casinos and other venues with poker machines that don't comply.
… Audio
USAR specialists warn poor vehicle fleet 'slows response' to emergencies
The country's fleet of specialist search and rescue vehicles is so bad that the rescuers have begun rebelling.
Trust urges National govt to keep clean car discount
The Better NZ Trust has written to National's leader, Christopher Luxon, imploring him not to scrap the clean car discount.
The Party listed scrapping the so-called 'ute tax' in its 100-day plan… Audio
Better NZ Trust urges National govt to keep clean car discount
The Better NZ Trust has written to National's leader, Christopher Luxon, imploring him not to scrap the clean car discount.
The Party listed scrapping the so-called 'ute tax' in its 100-day plan… Audio
Auckland Council votes to start work on congestion charge
Auckland Council and Auckland Transport will now start work implementing congestion charges on some of the city's busiest roads.
Auckland's Transport and Infrastructure Committee voted 18 to two in… Audio
Congestion charging bill derailed at last minute, former MP says
Legislation to allow congestion charging on roads just failed to make it over the line in the last Parliament, but is parked up ready to go.
Willis defends National's tax policy after new Labour attacks
National's finance spokesperson, Nicola Willis, is again defending her party's fiscal plan despite a fresh attack from Labour.
Labour says National would require more than $3 billion in cuts to… Audio
National defend tax policy after Labour attacks
Labour has gone on the attack over National's tax policy Thursday morning, saying only 3,000 households would receive the $250 a fortnight tax cut that the party has been campaigning on.
Thursday… Audio
Clean Car discount to be scrapped if National and ACT elected
If National and ACT are elected to form a government, the Clean Car Discount, which subsidises electric vehicles and hybrids, is on the scrap heap.
Research shows relying on the emissions trading… Audio
What's at stake for disabled people in Election 2023
Few parties have policies on disability issues this election. How can disabled people ensure their voices are heard? Audio
National releases wide-ranging health policy
National is promising longer after-birth hospital stays for mothers, and free glucose monitors for children with type-1 diabetes, if elected.
The party's leader Christopher Luxon announced the… Audio
National and Labour at odds over water services
National and Labour are at odds about how $185 billion bill will be paid for water services if Three Waters doesn't go ahead.
National plans to scrap the contested Three Waters scheme within its… Audio
No age limit on voting as polls open
Early voting officially opens on Monday the 2nd of October, and while you've got to be 18 years old to vote in Aotearoa, you can never be too old.
First Up's Leonard Powell paid a visit to his local… Audio
Labour criticise National over plans to ditch Three Waters
The National Party is prioritising its plan to ditch Three Waters, committing to doing so within its 100 days if it's elected.
Labour has criticised the decision, claiming National would be leaving… Audio
What do you do with a problem like Winston?
National's decision to form a government with New Zealand First as "as a last resort" is both a plea and a warning. What might a "cocktail" with ACT and NZF taste like? Could Luxon hold it together… Video, Audio
Police Association weighs up National's police policy
National has just released its policing policy, in which it commits to delivering a further 300 frontline police officers, if they're elected.
Labour also committed to the same number in their police… Audio