Ideas for 7 July 2013: Bridget Williams
Bridget Williams has published everything from The Oxford History of New Zealand and The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography to Judith Binney's Encircled Lands and the just-published Inequality: A New… Audio
Spectrum for 10 February 2013
Photographer, artist, publisher and environmentalist Craig Potton looks back on a life of adventure and achievement as he reaches 60 alongside a new young wife and a two year old daughter. Audio
Bestseller eBook
All of her life, Becky Siame has struggled with her weight. She started doing a series of cartoons about her experiences, with a caricature of herself as the central character. But publishers turned… Audio
Feature Guest - Peter Usborne
Peter Usborne is the co-founder of the satirical magazine, Private Eye, and in 1973 he founded Usborne Books - a UK company that publishes simple, 'straight-talking' children's books. Audio
Peter Wells : Colenso's Hungry Heart
Peter Wells has written a new biography on William Colenso, an ill-starred printer who stood up in the tent at Waitangi and told the promoters of the treaty that they were on the wrong track. Audio
Becky Anderson: US Independent Bookseller
An insight into the American book industry with one of the international guest speakers at this weekend's Booksellers New Zealand conference. Becky Anderson is the fifth generation of an Illinois… Audio
Publishing in the 21st Century
Sam Elworthy, Laurie Chittenden, Michael Heyward and Derek Johns consider whether the future of the book in a digital, technological, future. Noel Murphy chairs. Audio
New Yorkers
"Every fact in the New Yorker is checked. Every fact. Every name, every place, every price, every noun, every adjective… (even) the cartoons are checked." In a good-humoured and lively session, New… Audio
Non-fiction in New Zealand
A panel discussion tracing the extraordinary growth in popularity of locally-produced non-fiction. Two publishers (Peter Dowling from Reed, and Mary Varnham from Awa Press) and an expert in creative… Audio